tatouage a Dublin

tatouage a Dublin

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Posted Mon 4 Sep 2017 3:42 PM
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Bonjour, je suis à la recherche d'un bon salon de tatouage à Dublin? Pourriez vous me conseiller?
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Posted Tue 5 Sep 2017 11:13 AM
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Hello Caroline,

good question!

The Temple Bar area and around Christ Church are particularly artistic.
Have you taken a look to lounge about in these?

One way to find all the tattoo parlors in the city would be to search the internet with the keywords "Tattoo Parlor in Dublin."

Do you get a tattoo during a tour of the city?

We also have a lot of members of our community who live in Dublin. They will perhaps be able to help you find the perfect seating.


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Posted Wed 6 Sep 2017 1:38 AM
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Elodie thank you, I had a look on the internet and yes, I'd like to immortalize my journey with a small tattoo. I continued my research, thank you very much !! Good soirée Caroline
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Posted Wed 6 Sep 2017 4:14 PM
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De rien! 😁

Avez-vous déjà choisi votre design? 
J'adore l'idée d'immortaliser votre voyage comme cela. 

Quand est-il prévu ce voyage? 

N'hésitez pas à demander si vous avez besoin d'aide avec votre itinéraire ou autres.

Bonne soirée à vous aussi

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Posted Thu 7 Sep 2017 12:10 AM
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I'm not fixed yet, I let the journey to inspire me. We arrive September 16 and not we go wrong as it feels! The first and last nights are booker for the rest we improvise 😊Je think of you if I have questions !! Thank you! Good evening Caroline
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Posted Thu 7 Sep 2017 10:31 AM
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Hello Caroline,

The tattoo artist can also be a great help. I also expected a tattoo soon. I do not have the exact design in mind, I also expect to see the tattoo artist, but I think fit this pattern: 


It is a triquetra (Trinity Knot in English), a Celtic symbol, which is often used to represent groups of three people or objects. In my case, it will symbolize my baby, my baby and myself.

The Irish symbols abound, I am sure you will find your happiness. We wait to see the result anyway!

Good day,
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Posted Tue 12 Sep 2017 11:59 AM
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Hi Caroline,

Are you ready for your trip?
I got a tattoo as well in Dublin and one advice I will give you is Booking!

There are many great places in Dublin for tattoos and many of them need to be booked in advance. 
I would Advice you to go around on your first day and make an appointment with your favourite tattoo artist for when you finish your trip.
You do not need the exact design when booking until you know where and how big / detailed it will be.

Personally I went to Dublin Ink tattoo and my piece was done by Wagner but depending on the style you want, you may find an other tattoo artist or place.

Enjoy and make sure to share pics!


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Posted Wed 13 Sep 2017 11:02 AM
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Thank you for the advice !! I'll follow them! Your community is very generous about his experiences! It's awesome! good journée Caroline
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Posted Wed 20 Sep 2017 9:53 AM
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Hello Elodie, we have a great start to travel! I wondered for the county of Donegal and Siglo, is that it's better to spend a night or two? After we go to Northern Ireland. Also, what city / village would we be better off staying near the cliffs of Moher issue can listen to local music in a pub? Thank you very much Caroline
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Posted Wed 20 Sep 2017 11:55 AM
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Bonjour Caroline;

contente d'entendre que votre séjour a bien commencé.

Pour ce qui est du nombre de nuits, cela dépend du temps que vous avez sachant que vous voulez passer en Irlande du Nord également.
Pour éviter trop de conduite et vous donner le temps de visiter les alentours, Benbulden et les falaises de Slieve Ligue par exemple, Pourquoi ne pas passer une nuit sur Sligo et une dans le Donegal prés du parc National de Glenveagh ou Leterkenny?
Le long de la route vous pourrez visiter des lieux magnifiques tout en continuant votre voyage vers l'Irlande Du Nord.
Pensez-vous visiter Derry/Londonderry, la chaussée de Géants et Belfast?

Nous avons une liste d'hébergement sur notre site, n'hésites pas à jeter un coup d'oeil ici. Vous pouvez chercher par ville et types d'hébergement.

Pour ce qui est d'une ville à proximité des falaises de Moher, Doolin est connu pour sa music traditionnelle, sur cette vidéo Blackie Recomande "Gus O'Connors Pub" pour une "Trad Session". Vous avez également des grandes villes aux alentours comme Ennis ou même Galway qui serait également parfaite comme point de départ vers les falaises.

Hâte d'entendre plus sur votre séjour et n'hésite pas à partager des photos également!



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