How many things can I realistically fit into one trip?

How many things can I realistically fit into one trip?

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Posted Wed 9 May 2018 6:09 PM
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How many different things can I fit into one trip to Ireland that can be done within 20 days without being too overwhelmed? Should I leave a few days of "doing nothing" to make sure I don't get burned out? 
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Posted Thu 10 May 2018 11:12 AM
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Island of Ireland
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The island of Ireland is a fantastic place to spend a 20-day vacation and there is always a temptation to fill every minute with something new!

There is a 12-day trip around Ireland itinerary suggestion article that has some wonderful ideas on what can be included as you drive around the coastal areas of the island of Ireland. It includes some extra tips if you have more time in any particular location, so useful if you want to slow down the journey and stay a while in a specific place.

Many of our trip ideas pages have suggested time frames that you can use to judge what would be achievable. By putting a few ideas together, you will be able to tailor a plan to enjoy a few relaxing days too.

Have you plans for the type of accommodation you are interested in? We have a super accommodation search page that you may find useful. Select the type and destination to find approved places to stay.

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Posted Thu 10 May 2018 1:01 PM
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Northern Ireland
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Hi James

Thanks for all  your interest in visiting Ireland and Northern Ireland!
I suggest that you look at these websites in advance of your trip to Northern Ireland
Kind Regards

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