Dublin - Galway

Dublin - Galway

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Posted Thu 12 Jul 2018 9:22 PM
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Hello! My name is Hanny. My friends and I plan to go to Ireland for a few days. So far this is what we have in mind: 
August 22 morning: arrive in Dublin 
August 23: visit Cliffs of Moher by car. I would be very grateful for suggestions of places to stop by on the way to Cliffs of Moher
Aug 24: welcome for suggestions
Aug 25: we have to be in Dublin again in the afternoon. 
Aug 26: before noon time we have to leave Dublin. 

Suggestions are very much welcomed. Thank you in advance! 

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Posted Fri 13 Jul 2018 10:46 AM
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Island of Ireland
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Group: Community Moderator Last Active: Thu 29 Aug 2024 8:46 AM Visits: 13.4K
Hello Hanny,

The best route to the Cliffs of Moher from Dublin would be to head towards Galway and take a left just before the city down towards the Cliffs.

We have a wonderful Trip Idea, an off the beaten track route from Dublin to Galway that may have some excellent ideas to fill your drive. It's normally for 4 days but have a look at the possibilities along the way or even as a route back to Dublin!

On the 24th, I would suggest a trip out to the Aran Islands, a fantastic place full of history and strange landscapes to explore.

As an alternative, take a drive down to Bunratty Castle and Folk Park, or Limerick City. If you plan to stay somewhere different each night, even a drive to Tipperary to see Cahir Castle or the nearby Rock of Cashel before taking the way back to Dublin. 

Dublin has so many places to see that you will be spoilt for choice during your last few remaining hours.

I hope this gives you lots of inspiration, and I'm sure your fellow members and some industry partners will be able to add to this list!

If you need any more help, just let me know!


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Posted Fri 13 Jul 2018 11:14 PM
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Hello Martin, 
I can't thank you enough for your response! I'm so glad that I found this website and its community. Your trip ideas are definitely very helpful and I see wonderful places to go to fill my trip to Galway and back to Dublin. 

I will share your trip ideas and suggestions to my friends and I'm sure they'll be as excited as I am now. 

Have a terrific weekend!


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Posted Sat 14 Jul 2018 8:36 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Hi Hanny,

It's great that your trip is beginning to take shape! We have downloadable brochures that you can share with your friends and there's a map and route planner you can use to visualise your plans as well.

If you have a bit of time to spare in Dublin, I'd also check the Dublin Good Food Map, which you can download on the same page, it has some great ideas for places to eat.

We'd love to see your final itinerary and of course hear about your trip once you're in Ireland. And if you have the time we'd really enjoy seeing some photographs of your time with us!

Wishing you a great time,

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Posted Thu 22 Nov 2018 11:00 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Group: Community Moderator Last Active: Thu 29 Aug 2024 3:40 PM Visits: 14.8K
Hi, Hanny.

How are you? :)

I see that you had a lot of suggestions for your trip, so I'm curious to know what you managed to see and do during your time in Ireland. Please feel free to share any tips or stories of your own about your trip.

Hoping to hear from you soon!

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