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Posted Tue 12 Mar 2019 3:23 AM
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We travel to Ireland in June.  I understand there are Uber taxis.  Do they accept credit cards for payment? Is it traditional to tip?
We are so excited to see beautiful Ireland.
Thank you.  Nancy
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Posted Tue 12 Mar 2019 1:28 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Hi Nancy,

Uber is indeed present in Ireland, but it might be good to know Irish law requires that anyone carry passengers for money must have a taxi license, so there is not that much difference between a regular taxi and an Uber one.

Both Uber taxis and regular taxis accept payments by credit card. It's always a good idea still to ask the taxi company or driver if they accept card payments before taking the taxi. In case they don't, you'll find that they will be more than happy to stop off at an ATM so that you can withdraw money. There are plenty of ATMs available all over the island.

Tipping your driver is never expected, but always appreciated. :)

I hope this helps! And it's so nice to see you're getting excited about your upcoming Ireland trip! Will you be using taxis and public transport to explore the island or will you be going on tours as well?

Warm regards,
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Posted Thu 14 Mar 2019 12:02 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Hi Nancy,
I have spoken to a number of contacts in Dublin and they have recommended to use the App, which apparently works like Uber, but is more reliable and you can pay via the App.

Regarding your tipping query - it's really up to you.

I hope this helps.Have a fantastic time in Ireland and let us know how you get on (and which taxis you used!)
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Posted Thu 14 Mar 2019 3:20 PM
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Thank you for your replies.  We are excited about our visit. We are on an ten day tour. Evenings are free.  

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