Renew our Vows

Renew our Vows

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Posted Mon 25 Mar 2019 9:44 PM
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My husband and I have decided to renew our wedding vows in July. It is our 20th anniversary, and we want to travel to Ireland to do it. We have never been and have no idea where to go or where to book. Any information would be much appreciated.

We are looking for a place where we can have a party of about 25 to 30 people. Get married in a small church, then a reception/party with a local Irish band. We want it to be a casual affair, not too fussy. We are inviting our family and wedding party to join us, so we will also need accommodation close by.

Any ideas would be great. 

Tracy Quinn
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Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 11:06 AM
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Hello Tracy, 

It is wonderful to hear that you and your husband are planning on celebrating your anniversary by renewing your vows here this summer! :) I would love to point you in the right direction for more information and tips for an unforgettable day. 

First of all, I recommend taking a look at these super helpful Ireland Wedding Tips, with everything from general information, perfect wedding venues, wedding adventures, traditional Irish weddings and more
You can find loads of lovely churches all over the island that would be suitable for this ceremony, as well as other unique locations. Is there anywhere in particular that you're interested in, or any other places you'd like to see while you're here? 

I hope you'll receive lots more tips and suggestions from our other members, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you need any help with your plans. :)

Warm regards,


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Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 11:10 AM
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Thank you for your response and for the information. I will check the links out. We will be flying into Dublin and we don't really want more that a 2-3 hour drive from there to our destination to make it easier on elderly family members. I have looked into Doolin and Dingle so far. Any suggestions you could offer would be much appreciated.

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Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 11:56 AM
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Hi Tracy, 

Thank you for getting back so quickly! :) 

Doolin and Dingle are both absolutely lovely, and would make for a great wedding location. Since you would like to limit your travel time to a maximum of around 3 hours, Doolin would be your best choice in this case. The drive (without stopping) would take just a little over 3 hours in total from Dublin. 

To get to Dingle would take around 4,5 hours by car, but you could always decide to stay in a different town closer to Dublin, and drive there on the day of the ceremony.

Are you planning on renting a car while you're here? Take a look at the Vehicle Rental Information page for more helpful tips. 

Warm regards,

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Posted Tue 26 Mar 2019 1:54 PM
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Hi Tracy 

Congratulations on your wonderful milestone and how wonderful you are coming to Ireland to celebrate it.

As Ireland's leading planner for couples coming to Ireland for destination weddings and vow renewals we would be delighted to assist you with the planning including accommodation of your very special event in Ireland.

If you would like to provide your email address we will contact you directly to further discuss or you can contact us on .

We look forward to hearing from you .

Kind regards 
Dream Irish Weddin

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Posted Thu 28 Mar 2019 10:01 AM
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Hi Tracy,

Congratulations on your 20th wedding anniversary and what a lovely way to mark this occasion by renewing your vows!

I know you mentioned a small church but might I suggest a slightly more unique location on the North Coast of Northern Ireland?  Mussenden Temple is located in the beautiful surroundings of Downhill Demesne near Castlerock in County Londonderry.  It perches dramatically on a 120ft cliff top, high above the Atlantic Ocean on the north-western coast, offering spectacular views westwards over Downhill Strand towards Magilligan Point and County Donegal.

The temple was built in 1785 and forms part of the estate of Frederick Augustus Hervey, Bishop of Derry and Earl of Bristol.  Built as a summer library, its architecture was inspired by the Temple of Vesta in Tivoli, near Rome.  

Both the temple and the surrounding views are among the most photographed scenes in Ireland and the temple itself is available for civil wedding ceremonies through arrangement with the National Trust!

Should you have any further questions about any of the above, please get in touch with Coleraine Visitor Information Centre and we will be happy to help.  We also offer an accommodation booking service -

Best wishes


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Posted Wed 17 Apr 2019 12:31 PM
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Hi Tracy,

Congratulations on your 20th wedding anniversary, a marvelous idea to link your forever wish to come to Ireland with renewing your vows. We would be thrilled to organize your wedding renewal for you, you can find our details on our website. Which time in July are you thinking? I would be happy to give you a call to see what it is that you are looking for - shouldn't take longer than 15 to 30 minutes.

All the best,
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Posted Wed 17 Feb 2021 10:31 AM
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Hi Tracy,

Stephen here from Eloping in Ireland. We are Ireland's leading and award-winning elopement wedding & vow renewal planning specialist. Renewing your vows in Ireland will be such an incredible and memorable experience. We have all-inclusive elopement & vow renewal in Ireland packages. It's also possible to customize your own package.

Maybe you would like to renew your vows surrounded by the spectacular scenery at the Cliffs of Moher, or enjoy a fairytale vow renewal in a majestic Irish Castle? How about an incredible Ancient Ruins vow renewal or take the opportunity to renew your vows in an Irish Pub? The choice is yours!!

If you would like to discuss your requirements in more detail with one of our fantastic planning experts feel free to contact us directly via email. We would be honoured to help plan your dream vow renewal in Ireland. For some venue & location inspiration check out our website here.


Eloping in Ireland

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