Help for Family musical meeting in Ireland summer 2019

Help for Family musical meeting in Ireland summer 2019

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Posted Sun 14 Apr 2019 3:35 PM
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I'm Sego - with my son, we are coming this summer 2019 in Ireland (Dublin/ Belfast/ Clones/ Derry). We would to meet other people (children or older) through music.
I explain my project..If you will have any contact, idea: contact me!!
thanks a lot!

the project:
Hello I’m Sego; a french musician. I play the harp and I sing.
We come with my son in North Ireland between 12-17 of July 2019.I’m professional musician and I play with various orchestras or alone in recital.My professional website:
It’s our first time in Ireland; and we have Irish roots my son and me!)
I m looking for one structure who can be interested in an musical meeting: to introduce the harp and songs for children/older; it’s just for us: sharing a musical moment.The meetings could take place in recreation center, retirement home, social center, cultural center, in a bar, etc..For my son and me, it's a way to travel by meeting new people, new music through music.We play the harp and the percussions. We sing in several languages: French, English, arabic, Gaelic..
For example: We travelled in February to Palestine to meet a choir of 60 children: our experience is in a internet blog:

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Posted Mon 15 Apr 2019 11:28 AM
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Hello Sego
Here in Derry there are a lot of good choirs and a great singing tradition.
Two school choirs from Derry just recently won School Choir of the Year 2019.

There are many other choirs locally too

We also have a choral festival here every October 
I hope these contacts help you get in touch with local singers if you need further help just let us know.

Kind regards


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Posted Mon 15 Apr 2019 11:53 AM
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Bonjour Ségo!

I'm delighted that you found your way to our Community. 

In the meantime, you might have luck reaching out to some of these choirs or members of the Sing Ireland website.

The Centre Culturel Irlandais could help with leads as well.

I wish you the best for your music project and hope that you'll receive tips from our expert members.

Une excellente journée,

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Posted Mon 15 Apr 2019 11:58 AM
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Hi Sego, while I am not a musician, I have passed your information onto some friends who do play.

If they are available while you are in Ireland, they will be in touch with you.

I hope you have a wonderful trip.

Best wishes, 


Gillian Hunt
Research Officer
Ulster Historical Foundation
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Posted Mon 15 Apr 2019 8:13 PM
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Thanks for all your answers!!!! 
I will continue to search with your address proposals and I will find, I hope!
thanks very much!!
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Posted Tue 16 Apr 2019 10:54 AM
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Hi Segolene, 

We are so happy you received so many helpful tips! :)

Please keep us posted on your plans and adventures, and we're always here if you need anything. 

Warm regards,

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Posted Tue 16 Apr 2019 5:45 PM
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thank you very much! 
I'm very touched by your messages!
Yes, we will make a blog on the web to tell us about our adventure!!
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Posted Wed 17 Apr 2019 9:33 AM
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Hi Segolene,

Your trip sounds like a great adventure! You should contact the Comhaltas Ceoltairi Eireann branches in the areas that you are visiting, they often have weekly sessions where groups of adults and juniors meet to play. These are usually really social occasions and a great opportunity to meet local people and play music and sing.
Here is the link - you can click on the locations tab to find out information of branches in each area.

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Posted Wed 17 Apr 2019 3:44 PM
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Hi Sego,

What a lovely trip to make with your son!  Might I offer a suggestion of musical sessions which take place in The House of McDonnell which is a bar situated in Ballycastle on the North Coast of Ireland.  On any Saturday night, the Traditional instruments you will hear include the Fiddle, Melodeon, Harp, Mandolin, Anglo Concertina, Tenor Banjo, Tin Whistle, Bodhran and often the Uilleann Pipes.

If you play an instrument or sing (as you do Sego) then House of McDonnell encourage you to come and share your talents with them in sessions which take place on a Friday night.

However, extra sessions also occur, especially during the summer months, when visiting musicians are in the area. So if passing through at another time, House of McDonnell encourage you to get in touch.

I wish you all the best on your musical adventure this summer!


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Posted Wed 17 Apr 2019 6:03 PM
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Oh yes, I will look at all this and make contact!

a HUGE Thank you

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