I’m really missing Ireland, are there any artists that will remind me of home?

I’m really missing Ireland, are there any artists that will remind me...

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Posted Fri 28 Jan 2022 4:29 PM
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Of course! Ireland is home to many popular and up-and-coming artists. Here are some to listen to in 2022.  

Following a period for which he didn’t pick up a guitar for two years, Stevie Appleby has returned to his band The Frey, as of the end of the 2021. He also has a new EP record with brilliant songs like Mother of Pearl and Hand Me Down. His reappearance is a good sign for the rest of 2022!

Another Irish artist you may have already heard of is Bren Sutton. A music producer and games developer, Sutton has been around since 2019 when he published a range of solos from EDM to hip-hop, funk and even electro-pop. He’s aiming to refine and reshape his music for 2022 and we’re excited to see what he’s going to produce!

There’s so much buzz around Dublin based singer, songwriter, spoken word artist Lyndsey Lawlor. Her 2020 record Sake accompanied her November hit Bottle & Chain which displayed her spoken word skills. Her debut album titled, Dearest Philistine, is out now!

Or try the band New Dad! Originally from Galway, this group is bursting with talent. Whilst they say their target audience is teenagers, their music is undoubtedly multigenerational. Their 2021 EP record, Waves, has a dreamy, utopian vibe. This group is definitely going to be making waves in 2022.

A big up-and-comer is Siabh Skelly. Writing music since she was a teenager in Dublin she began busking on Grafton Street and began uploading her song covers onto YouTube. Her YouTube channel has now grown to have around 55,000 followers who took comfort from Skelly’s warm and peaceful music. We’re looking forward to watching her following grow even further!

Do any of our community members have any Irish artists they’d recommend?
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Posted Tue 22 Feb 2022 10:49 AM
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I'm a big fan of an Irish artist called Alan Kenny. He does the most amazing Irish landscapes, but also does amazing modern interpretations of Irish culture and music. His stuff is in lots of galleries in Dublin but his own website seems to be here; https://alan-kenny.pixels.com/
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Posted Sun 27 Aug 2023 11:06 PM
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Absolutely, I completely understand your longing for Ireland and the desire to reconnect through art. If you're seeking that Irish essence, John Lavery's captivating works should be your go-to. Lavery, a renowned Irish artist celebrated for his landscapes, portraits, and urban scenes, possesses a unique ability to encapsulate the very spirit of Ireland. His art can transport you back home in an instant.Plus, the National Gallery of Ireland has a treat in store for you—an upcoming exhibition from October 7th, 2023, to January 14th, 2024.

This exhibition explores his impressions of people and places from his extensive travels, offering a fresh perspective on his highly respected work. Lavery's dedication to his craft shines through as he carried his painting kit everywhere, from Scotland to Palm Springs. Notably, his masterpiece "The Bridge at Grez" captures its era's essence. An exciting highlight is the Gallery's newly acquired "A Garden in France" (1898). With depictions spanning Switzerland, Spain, Ireland, Italy, and cities like Glasgow, London, Venice, Cannes, and New York, Lavery's versatility is evident. This exhibition is your ticket to a vivid journey through Lavery's world and a vibrant slice of Ireland.

Enjoy the artistic voyage!

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Posted Tue 13 Feb 2024 12:49 PM
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I have seen many desert landscapes and Irish animal paintings, but I must say none are like these
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Posted Fri 15 Mar 2024 11:22 AM
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That's fantastic news about Stevie Appleby's return to The Frey and the release of a new EP! It's always inspiring to see musicians rekindle their passion and creativity. Looking forward to hearing the brilliant songs like "Mother of Pearl" and "Hand Me Down." Here's to a great year ahead for The Frey and their fans!

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