Hi Marco,
I am delighted to learn of your plans to walk the Moyle Way.
This is indeed an off-the-beaten-track walk, stretching between Ballycastle and Waterfoot and giving views of five of the Nine Glens of Antrim.
Caoimhin MacGabhann who runs Nine Glens Walking Tours has walked it. He suggested you might stay at Ballyeamon Barn – hostel accommodation - which is located on the B14 close to the end of section 4. However, this is not half way along the route; rather about 32km from the start. So, this means you would have a long and very challenging walk the first day, followed by a much easier, downhill walk the second day. Caoimhin is happy for you to contact him by email on nineglenswalkingtours@gmail.com should you want to talk with someone who knows this route.
Another suggestion is that you arrange for a taxi to pick you up, for example, at the Altarichard car park, which is close to the point where section 2 joins the Altarichard Road. This would be after walking about 20km. You might consider staying close-by in Armoy – well-known to fans of motor-bike road-racing - or you could be taken down to the coast to Cushendall or even back to Ballycastle to spend the night. The closest taxi firm is probably Grab a Cab, Corkey or you might choose a taxi firm from Ballycastle. However, you would have to know in advance when you were likely to arrive at the carpark, so as to have the taxi meet you there.
A third option is to walk the Moyle Way in one day! Apparently this is possible. This would mean starting at daybreak, and making full use of the day-light hours, although sunset at that time of year should be about 10pm.
Obviously this walk is for a very competent walker, well able to navigate in remote upland moorland and even in bad weather. However, it is undoubtedly thrilling in its challenge and beauty, and very memorable.
I presume you have seen the guide http://www.walkni.com/d/walks/187/A%20Walker's%20Guide%20to%20the%20Moyle%20Way.pdf
All the best with your planning and walking,