Posted Sat 26 May 2018 9:07 AM
Island of Ireland
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Last Active: Fri 10 May 2024 11:23 AM
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Hi Everyone! We all know why we are in this community, we love Ireland! ☘️ Some of us live on the Island, some came for a visit (or more than one), and others have not yet come, but Ireland is still in their heart. The question now is; "Is Ireland your muse?" Please share with us anything you have created inspired by the Island; it can be anything! Of course, don't forget to share the story behind your creation. Oh and if you need some more inspiration before to post, have a look at Ireland's rich heritage of Craft and design.😉 Looking forward to seeing all your pictures and stories. Elodie
Posted Sun 27 May 2018 11:55 AM
Island of Ireland
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Living on the Inishowen Peninsula, part of the Northern Headlands section of the Wild Atlantic Way, I am spoilt for choice with regard to wonderful places and beaches to visit! One of my favourites is Culdaff beach, just outside the village of Culdaff, County Donegal. I have spent many days and early evenings on the long sandy beach or up at the play park with my kids. The sea, although a bit cool at times is wonderful for swimming, body boarding and also some surfboard time. Wetsuits are a great way to enjoy your time in the water, but not always necessary. This photo was taken at the beginning of May, so as you can see a perfect place to spend the early evening. on the north coast, Culdaff is a great place to look across the sea to find the coastline of Scotland. From the top of the dunes above the play park, the coastline is visible on the horizon. spent a lot of time and taken a lot of photos, I decided to paint the view of the sea looking out towards nearby Bonagee pier just across the way from the beach itself. I hope you like it, it was my first attempt using Acrylic’s so please be kind!
Posted Thu 31 May 2018 10:01 PM
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Para mí, es todo acerca de la comida! A partir de los platos básicos como colcannon, Farl y barmbrack, y después de pasar a Dulse y Yellowman, faldas y los riñones, y el abogado de Dublín - Yo estaba totalmente enganchado! Hay tantas cosas para experimentar y probar. Irlanda tiene algunos de los mercados de alimentos más increíbles que he tenido el placer de ir de compras en. Uno puede encontrar los más frescos mariscos, más deliciosa mantequilla y quesos, y la carne más sabrosa y cordero. La isla está convirtiendo en muy bien conocido como un destino de comida en serio! ¿Cómo podría yo no ser inspirado por estos nombres intrigantes e ingredientes fenomenales? ¿Y cómo podría no iniciar la recopilación de recetas y libros de cocina ...... Estos son mis favoritos, bien utilizadas con seguridad!  Por lo tanto, hoy estoy Levantando una de mis cosas favoritas ..... mmmmm, sólo de pensarlo. Tengo los elementos esenciales a cabo. La hora de los ingredientes! Cualquier conjeturas en cuanto a lo que estoy haciendo? Me encantaría escuchar algunos de nuestros amigos aquí. Voy a publicar el producto terminado (si es que queda!) Muy pronto. ¿A alguien le interesaría compartir viejas recetas de la familia, conmigo? Siempre añadir mi propio toque personal a lo que estoy haciendo, especialmente si se trata de un libro, y me gustaría empezar a probar algunos platos con los pies a través pasado-la-familia! ~ Sionainn
Posted Thu 7 Jun 2018 12:05 PM
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Hello, I lived in Ireland for 7 years, first in County Galway, and then in West Cork. During that time I surfed the beautiful waves along what is now known as the Wild Atlantic Way and during those journeys I often stopped to sketch the beautiful scenery. A few weeks ago, I dug out that old sketchbook (now 16 years old) and made a short video-tour of the sketches it contains. These brought back wonderful memories and I can't wait to get back to Ireland. My website ( shows many of my paintings from Ireland and you can see the video below:
Posted Tue 31 Jul 2018 9:19 PM
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Ireland first conquered my heart in 1994, on a study trip to Dublin and the Wicklow Mountains. Years later I wanted to see the rough west coast and jouned a travel group on a bus tour. On my last vacation in Ireland I went alone, by airplane, train and bike to Dingle peninsula. To my opinion this was the best way to explore Ireland. I got the chance to meet local people who helped me and showed me their favorite spots to breath the sea air. One of them was a dutch woman (as I am), born 4 days before me. She saw my Etos bag (a dutch shop) and asked if she could show me the the way. She told me her story of how she ended up in Ireland. She showed me the beautiful rock of Dun Chaoin and the Blasket Islands view, where she had lived and had a romantic story. At that moment the sun was shining on the water, creating the perfect atmosphere for a painting.
Posted Fri 21 Sep 2018 7:03 AM
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Hi, I'm Henry and I'm based in Malta. Together with my family, I visited Ireland recently and came home with a sketchbook full of doodles and ideas of studio paintings I can do back at home. I will share with you the finished paintings from time to time as these are finished. Needless to say I found Ireland as a beautiful genuine country. The West coast is wild and dramatic. I missed a bit my native sun, but the greenery and open vista compensated amply. Any when the sun came out it was mind blowing. The people were friendly and welcoming. I would not mind a second visit. If you like my work you can see mor e at (I plan a series of 12 Irish landscapes - 2 done so far) Mullagmore Harbour at low tide, Co Sligo - Henry Falzon - for the Irish Landscape series
Posted Wed 17 Oct 2018 12:53 PM
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We're absolutely inspired by your Irish music! From traditionals, to the Pogues and even Flogging Molly...we started to play this music a while ago and we found out people were lovin' it. Two weeks ago we went to China (invited by the Chinese Government in Beijing) to play on one of their festivals. Of course we visited the Great Wall of China. We brought our instruments for a picture, but decided it would be great to make some music as well. The result was posted on, Irish Daily Mirror, Irish Examiner, Beat 102 103, Evening Echo etc. Wow!! What an amazing week for us. It inspired us to continue what were doing: making your lovely music. Maybe, in the near future we can arrange an Ireland tour with the band. the way. We're called Acting The Maggot (find us on Facebook) ;) Anyway. This is how it looks: Irish trad on the Great Wall of China on Facebook Irish trad on the Great Wall of China on Youtube
Posted Sat 22 Dec 2018 8:14 PM
Island of Ireland
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Last Active: Fri 7 Oct 2022 12:12 AM
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When I first arrived in Ireland I was immediately struck by the dry stone walls, very similar to those of my native regional area, Basilicata and Puglia, in the South of Italy. Their image sat in the back of my head and when I came back to Ireland, this time to live here, I realized that what was attracting me the most was the composition that the stones all together were making, much more accurate geometrically than those in Italy. The link to one of my passions was instant: sewing and in particular stitching patchworks by hand. I do it using a Korean technique called Bojagi, that I learned when I was living in Seoul, South Korea; the pieces are put together in a sequence of different geometrical shapes, which create panels that reveal a story of life and wishes. I have been taking pictures of some dry stone walls, especially in the Donegal County area and will make a bojagi piece that resembles them and the story of some of the people related to them. This is how Ireland has inspired me. The bojagi in the picture is one of the biggest I have made so far.
Posted Thu 27 Dec 2018 1:54 PM
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We visited Ireland in April 2018. We drove all the way from Dublin down to kilKenny and over to Ring of Kerry and then Cliffs of Mohr and then back to Dublin. It was absolutely amazing. I am an artist and Ireland inspired me to paint beautiful landscapes. This was Created in alcohol ink on ceramic tile My Facebook page is @apattonfineart and website is
Posted Thu 3 Jan 2019 1:38 PM
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Op jullie verzoek meer over mijn hond Healy gevonden op berg vlak bij de Healy pass. Ik was met mijn zoon en Chileense vriendin die in ierland woont met de auto aan het touren. We gaan regelmatig naar de Healy pass. Tijdens de rit omhoog stopten we voor het mooie uitzicht net onder top. Mijn zoon van 10 wilde graag zijn eerste berg op en opgegeven moment riep hij dat hij nog verder wilde gaan. Toen ben ik naar hem toe gelopen en zijn we samen nog 2 toppen verdergelopen. Bij de laatste top zagen we een bordercollie pup die een hol gemaakt had onder een uitstekende rots. Toen wij weer naar beneden liepen hebben huppelde ze achter ons aan. Toen we bij de auto waren zeiden we tegen mijn vriendin we hebben een verrassing voor je. Maar ja wat moet op zo’n moment doen. Ik heb pokeren Ierse vriendin die bij hondenopvang gewerkt heeft en die heb ik gebeld en gevraagd wat moet met hondje doen? Ze zei neem maar mee ik heb zo onderdak voor haar gevonden. We konden pas na 2 dg naar haar toe dus zijn eerst met hondje naar andere vrienden gegaan die ook hond hebben. Daar hebben we de pup 2 keer gewassen met anti luizen shampoo want ze zat helemaal onder de luizen en meer dan 30 teken. We gaven haar ook telkens kleine beetjes eten want ze was super mager. Na 2 dg hebben de pup bij mij Ierse vriendin gebracht. Ze had nog niemand gevonden voor de hond en mijn zoontje was inmiddels super verliefd op de pup en toen hebben we afgesproken dat mijnierse vriendin 2 mnd voor Healy(we hadden inmiddels een naam) zou zorgen en injecties chip en paspoort zou regelen. En dat wij haar dan in de zomervakantie met een Roadtrip ( Engeland, Wales, ierland, noord ierland, Schotland en Engeland) zouden ophalen en naar Nederland brengen. Bij dierenarts in ierland bleek Healy geen chip te hebben en ook bleek ze vol met wormen te zitten. Hij zei dat als we haar biet hadden meegenomen hadden ze hooguit nog een week geleefd had. We hebben haar in juli opgehaald en samen nog 2500 km gereisd en gekampeerd. Hierdoor hadden we direct een goede band gekregen en hebben we nu een super lieve en sociale bordercollie bij ons thuis. Ik kom al meer van 25 jr in ierland, vaak 3 a 4 keer per jaar, voor mij geldt namelijk “ik heb geen therapie nog ik moet gewooneven naar ierland” Maar dit is toch wel een van de meer bijzondere belevenissen Jaap