7 night trip Cork-Dublin

7 night trip Cork-Dublin

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Posted Thu 14 Mar 2019 12:46 PM
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I am planning a trip to the lovely Ireland this summer, flying from Amsterdam to Cork (or Dublin?) July 28 and returning from Dublin (or Cork?) one week later. 
Would you prefer to start in either Cork or Dublin? 

We were thinking of spending 2 nights in Dublin, but the other 5 nights are still open... I guess we will skip the Ring of Kerry due to high-season trafficjams, but we would like to see Dingle and/or Beara. Should we 'do' both or make a choice? And, what would be the best town to stay in that area?
Would also like to see The Burren, Cliffs of Moher and.... any must-sees? Special places the crowds will not be during the summer? 
Where should we spend our nights? So many choices to make, so little time to see all the beauty!

Oh, and I get sick on winding roads quite fast and a little nervous about that... how bad will the roads be? 

Thanks for your help!
Kind regards, Judith

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Posted Thu 14 Mar 2019 2:10 PM
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Hi Judith!

You've got some beautiful and exciting things planned for your week in Ireland! :) You're absolutely right in not wanting to see as many places as possible, but to take your time to explore a couple of areas of your picking. This way you'll definitely be able to experience and enjoy them more.

As the places you're thinking about visiting are mainly located on the west coast, it might be a good idea to fly into Dublin and out from Cork, to make the most out of your time there. The drive from Dublin to Cork will take you around 3 hours if you take the motorways. If you'd like some ideas for stops along the way, have a look at the suggestions Liza received in an earlier thread.

Both Dingle and Beara peninsulas are wonderful areas to explore. We've got a sample itinerary covering both places with a suggested time frame of 5 days. You can adapt this freely to your wishes - stay longer in certain places and exclude others - for a tailored trip which will give you time for a day trip out to the iconic Cliffs of Moher and the nearby Burren.

You can find some great places to spend your nights using our accommodation search tool. Dingle Town and Eyeries on the Beara Peninsula are just two examples of the many charming towns and villages you will find along the west coast from where you can easily explore the surroundings. 

All the roads that make up for the Wild Atlantic Way are in good condition, but it can get narrow and winding at places. My advice would be to take your time and be sure to take breaks along the way if you ever feel less than completely comfortable. 

I hope this information helps with the planning of your trip, and let's see if some other members will jump in with some other suggestions!


PS: Je mag ons steeds in het Nederlands schrijven ook, mocht je dat willen. :)

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Posted Wed 27 Mar 2019 12:50 PM
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Hi Joris!
Thank you for the great tips, i've had some difficulty logging om to the community so that's why i haven't replied earlier.
I have made some progress in the last weeks:
Day 1. Booked a flight to Cork, arriving at 10.20 am. Picking up a rentalcar there, visiting Blarney castle, then Kinsale and driving to Kenmare for 2 nights.
Day 2. Exploring Beara peninsula
Day 3. Exploring Killarney and the National Park, then driving to Annascaul  (Dingle peninsula) and spending the night there.
Day 4. Still struggeling a little with the time frame... would it be doable to see some of the Dingle peninsula before driving up to Clare? Still looking for a place to stay there for 2 nights, maybe Kinvara? Or is that too far north?
Day 5. Exploring Cliffs of Moher and The Burren
Day 6. Exploring Galway and then driving to Dublin, to arrive there around 5 pm. Turn in the rentalcar and stay there for our last 2 nights.
Day 7. Exploring Dublin
Day 8. Flying back from Dublin to Amsterdam at 10 am

I would also love to see Connemara, but i guess that's too much? 

Thank you again, hoping to read some more tips!
Ps. I might as well practice my English Joris :)

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Posted Wed 27 Mar 2019 6:18 PM
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Ha Judith,

Een beetje oefenen kan nooit kwaad. ;)

There are some lovely tips in Susan's thread that was posted earlier that can help you find some great spots and Victor was earlier asking for a base near Cork and the suggestions there may provide some inspiration as well!

You can definitely see a bit of the Dingle peninsula before you drive up, and Kinvarra is close enough to Galway and a great place for walking!

Personally I would not add Connemara to the mix, simply because I think that you'll be captivated by the Burren and the Cliffs of Moher and it would be a shame if you couldn't take those in fully because you had to leave again. Then again, it is a wonderful place and if you find yourself with some time and it would fit in, then I'd certainly take the chance!

Can I just ask what went wrong when you were trying to log on to the community? Did you get an error message or did something happen?

Warm regards,

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Posted Mon 23 Dec 2019 7:09 AM
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Dag beste mensen. Zojuist ingelogd om te kijken naar de mogelijkheden om Cork met 1 week, 7 dagen, te bezoeken en wat er allemaal te doen is, overnachting enzovoorts. Ik ben benieuwd.

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Posted Mon 23 Dec 2019 10:25 AM
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Dag Eize,

Wat leuk dat je Cork en omgeving wilt verkennen!

Er zijn veel mogelijkheden om de regio in 7 dagen te bezoeken! In dit plakboek heb ik enkele suggesties voor je op een rij gezet.
Ik kan je onder andere Cobh, Mizen Head, Kinsale of de Ring of Beara aanbevelen. Neem ook een kijkje naar de suggesties van mijn collega's hierboven!

Om B&B's en hotels in Co. Cork te vinden, raad ik je aan onze accommodatiezoeker te gebruiken.

Ben je van plan om een voertuig te huren of gebruik je liever het OV? 


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Posted Mon 23 Dec 2019 5:33 PM
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You should really head over to the Ireland Forum on Trip Advisor.

Lots of great free advice from really experienced people.   https://www.tripadvisor.ie/ShowForum-g186591-i88-Ireland.html

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Posted Tue 24 Dec 2019 12:12 PM
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https://www.tripadvisor.ie/ShowForum-g186591-i88-Ireland.html I also use Trip Advisor and find it a great source of information from locals and tourists alike 
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Posted Tue 24 Dec 2019 12:38 PM
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Hi Poppy and Monty,

TripAdvisor is, for sure, a great place too, where we love joining in the conversation as well.
We have plenty of locals, tourists, and multilingual friends to support everyone and get the conversation going too.

If you have any tips and recommendations about Ireland, please share them with us, I am sure Eize will love it too! 😉
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Posted Tue 24 Dec 2019 3:55 PM
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Zo'n weekje Cork en directe omgeving leren kennen. We maken gebruik van het OV. We bezoeken graag musea, kerken, ZOO, willen de sfeer van het oude stadscentrum proeven, rondvaart (boot - bus ?).

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