English to Irish

English to Irish

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Posted Thu 20 Jun 2019 1:03 AM
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Hello all! 

Coming back to Ireland, my favorite place on the planet in t-minus 8 days! I'm bringing my children with me this time, which is just so beautiful to me. This is the home of our ancestors...all of them. To pass on the respect and history and home of those who came before us, is just something I'm so proud to give them like my grandparents gave me. 

My eldest daughter is 20 and mentioned getting a tattoo while we're there. At first I said "no no no." Lol. The more I thought about it I figured life is short and it's kind of a once in a lifetime opportunity. 

So, here I am being one of those Americans asking for an English to Irish translation....yikes. Would anyone be so kind as to help me?  

I'm looking for:
My soul's home is in Ireland 
My soul is at home in Ireland 
Or something with that idea. 

Thank you for any and all help! 
Sincerely, Erin

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Posted Thu 20 Jun 2019 8:57 AM
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Hi Erin,

It's wonderful to hear that you will all be over with us soon!

Coming home, as we often call it, is a lovely way to immerse yourself in your family history and we love the fact that your daughter wants to mark the occasion with a tattoo.

As you probably know, words and phrases do not also ways translate from English to Irish as there are no Irish equivalents for some English words.

That said, I'm hopeful that some of our members and industry partners from the Gaeltacht areas can offer you a suggestion or two.

Where on the island of Ireland will you be visiting during your time with us?

Speak soon,


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Posted Thu 27 Jun 2019 10:41 PM
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Hi Erin,

I guess you are on your way now, hopefully you brought your sun glasses as we are in the middle of a heat wave at the minute! 😎🌞

Regarding the Irish translation, I was checking with the husband and here is what we think might match with what you are looking for:

Is in Éirinn atá m’anam – It is in Ireland that my soul resides in
Is in Éirinn atá mo chroí – It is in Ireland that my heart resides in
Is in Éirinn atá conaí ar mo chroí – It is in Ireland, where lives my heart
Gael-Mheiriceánach – Irish American ( Is Gael Mheiriceánach mé – im an Irish American)
Croí cróga na nGael – the brave heart of the Irish (the Irish people spirit) 

Hopefully one of those will resonate with you. 

Safe journey and let us know how it goes, tattoo and trip wise! ☺️

The Brady

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Posted Tue 30 Jul 2019 9:32 PM
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Hi Erin,

So the first question, did you go ahead with the tattoo?!

Second, How did the trip go? 
I hope you and your children had a great time and that you were able to pass on your love to Ireland to them.

I cannot wait to hear all about it. 😃

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