Travel to Killarney

Travel to Killarney

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Posted Wed 24 Jun 2020 12:31 PM
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Is it ok to travel to Killarney from Northern Ireland for a few days holidays?
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Posted Wed 24 Jun 2020 1:31 PM
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Ireland Advocate
Ireland Advocate (55.4K reputation)Ireland Advocate (55.4K reputation)Ireland Advocate (55.4K reputation)Ireland Advocate (55.4K reputation)Ireland Advocate (55.4K reputation)Ireland Advocate (55.4K reputation)Ireland Advocate (55.4K reputation)Ireland Advocate (55.4K reputation)Ireland Advocate (55.4K reputation)
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Hi Alan, 

I'd love to point you in the right direction for more information! It depends on when you're travelling and from where, as there are still self-isolation measurements in place for anyone travelling from overseas and Northern Ireland. The Irish government’s next review of the current regulations is due to take place around July 9th, and you can find more official resources here

Because it is a wait and see kind of situation at the moment, and new information is coming in daily, I highly recommend keeping a close eye on the official news and updates. I do hope for good news on the 9th of July so you can travel when the time is right. :)

More helpful information can be found on the Traveller Health page, and please don't hesitate to reach out here on the Community if you have any other questions. 

Stay safe! 


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