The Doors of Dublin

The Doors of Dublin

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Posted Sun 25 Oct 2020 10:53 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Sat 26 Feb 2022 1:58 PM Visits: 60
For those who love Ireland, the doors of Dublin are especially iconic. I feel very fortunate to live within walking distance of some of the amazing and colorful Dublin doors. Here's one of my absolute favorites:

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Posted Sun 25 Oct 2020 5:27 PM
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Hey Jennifer!

You make an excellent point! There are so many great attractions in Dublin, places of historical, cultural, and sporting interest, but there's also much to be said for simply strolling through its streets and taking in the beauty of its colourful doors. There is something so warm and welcoming about Dublin's colourful doors and they add yet another layer of charm to our capital city.

I would have to say that that door is my particular favourite too. I'm sure our members will have their particular favourites too!


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