Let's talk Music!

Let's talk Music!

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Posted Fri 16 Apr 2021 6:27 PM
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Hi Everyone,

How are you all?

I've realised that we haven't talked about Tunes in a long time so here we are, time to update our playlists!

What is your favourite Irish song or maybe singer or band?

Let me start with a group of trad musicians that I miss hearing live, Beoga! 
They played with Ed Sheeran in some of his best songs.

Here is their latest song, enjoy! 😁

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Posted Sat 17 Apr 2021 9:23 AM
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Love this, Elodie! I hadn't heard this release, really glad you shared it here. Boega's approach to traditional music is really refreshing.

I've been enjoying Ryan Vail recently. His music often features ambient melodies floating on top of driving electronic drum beats.

Much of his music is featured alongside beautiful scenic shots of Ireland. You can catch Mussenden in the video for Arrival, taken from the album Borders created with Elma Orkestra.

Love seeing his live shows. There's a good mix of electronic and acoustic instruments to keep things interesting.

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Posted Sat 17 Apr 2021 9:29 AM
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Totally agree with Sean, love this thread! 

The island of Ireland is filled with music, and I always feel like everyone here knows how to sing or play an instrument. It's hard to choose just one song/band/musician, as I have a lot of favourites, but the band I will always go to see live when they're playing in Belfast is Blue Whale. 

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Posted Sat 17 Apr 2021 4:29 PM
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I wouldn't know where to begin! 

I have my indie, folk and rock classics such as the Corrs (I'd heavily recommend their 2004 "Home" album), Damien Rice, U2 and Two Door Cinema Club. (I got to see the last two live!)

More recently, I got acquainted with a new wave of Irish artists such as Girl Band, BellX1 or SON (Susan O'Neill), which I discovered through the Other Voices live streams.

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Posted Sun 18 Apr 2021 5:04 PM
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Already there have been some wonderful Irish musicians listed. One musician I would add to this impressive list is Lisa Hannigan, who is rightly recognised both nationally and around the globe for her incredible talent.

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Posted Mon 19 Apr 2021 5:48 AM
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Great to read everyone's posts! 😊 That's a perfect way to add some nice Irish music to my playlist.

I discovered Róisín O during Patrick's Day last month and really enjoy her music. I find "Heart and Bones" particularly moving. 

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Posted Mon 19 Apr 2021 4:46 PM
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What a wonderful idea for a discussion, Elodie! 

I've already listened through everyone's submissions so far and I'm blown away by the amount of talent that Ireland has to offer! There's no one style or beat when it comes to Irish music, and this thread proves that true. These artists are certainly going to be added to my playlist as well. 🎶 

As for my choice, I have to pick one of my all-time favourite artists: Hozier. His music is versitile and unique, with this deep passion for love and life. I've enjoyed his music for years and it still feels as special and new as the first time I stumbled across his channel.

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Posted Mon 19 Apr 2021 6:11 PM
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I love all your great suggestions! 🤩 Lisa Hannigan has an amazing voice! 
Last year, I discovered through the Other Voices live streams, the hip-hop duo Mango x Mathman from Dublin.
I like their song "Deep Blue",  featuring Lisa Hannigan.

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Posted Wed 21 Apr 2021 4:29 PM
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I have to echo the others' feelings here - really loving this thread! And loving the names dropped so far. Some of them I also had the pleasure of (re)discovering through the Other Voices live streams, such as SON or Lisa Hannigan. I'd like to add Glen Hansard to that list. His heart-wrenching rendition of 'Bird of Sorrow' in the National Library moved me to tears. 

Belfast has got a lot of local talent performing in the many great live venues and pubs - Mosmo Strange, Electric OctopusNo Oil Paintings to name but a few! It's also where I got to see the Dublin-based Orchid Collective. If you like your music moody, mesmerizing and evocative, I'd suggest giving them a listen.

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Posted Tue 4 May 2021 9:21 AM
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Island of Ireland
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¡Me encantan vuestras sugerencias, chic@s!

En cuanto a mis canciones/músicos irlandeses favoritos, como fan de Rory Gallagher, no podía evitar sugerir algo relacionado con él... 😉 🎸

Cuando estuve en el Rory Gallagher Festival en Ballyshannon (su hermoso e inspirador pueblo natal) en 2019, tuve la ocasión de escuchar en vivo muchos grupos, pero la performance que más me gustó fue la de Mark Langan, que tocó tanto en un escenario al aire libre como en una íntima sesión en un pub del pueblo en acústico. 

Os dejo con esta canción que acaba de publicar, un poco triste quizás, pero creo que su cálida voz y la manera que tiene de acariciar su guitarra, son perfectas para un momento de recogimiento e introspección: 


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