Tours for physically limited people

Tours for physically limited people

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Posted Sun 18 Apr 2021 4:30 PM
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My husband & I have a cruise booked for June of next year. He has Parkinson's and is not able to walk far. Are there tour companies we can contact to help us find the best tours for him?
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Posted Mon 19 Apr 2021 9:52 AM
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Island of Ireland
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Hello Laura,

It's lovely to hear that you have plans to visit during a cruise next year.

There are several travel operators who offer tours, do you know where on the island of Ireland you will be visiting?

Are you looking for day tours from different stops as you travel around the island of Ireland or are you looking for a complete tour once here on your cruise?

A private tour may be one to consider too. You will be able to choose where, when and for how long you stay at each place, you are completely in control of the itinerary and pace.

We look forward to hearing from you soon and hopefully, we and our members and industry partners can fill your itinerary with tour suggestions suitable for you both. ☘️
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Posted Tue 20 Apr 2021 9:00 PM
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Thank you so much for writing back. We leave from Dublin 6/25/2022. Stops are: Waterford, Cork, Bantry, Galway, Kilybergs, Belfast and Douglas-Isle of Man.
Each stop is just a day so mostly shorter tours, say 3-4 hours tops. I have done private tours in the past and prefer them to the ones offered by the cruise lines. They are generally overcrowded and expensive.

I will look into both of the links you have sent. Again, thank you so much.
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Posted Wed 21 Apr 2021 11:47 AM
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Island of Ireland
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Hi Laura, 

Your cruise itinerary looks absolutely wonderful, and I agree with both you and Martin that going on private tours in each of these locations is a great idea. :) 

I think you might also like this thread with more information about hiring a private driver. You'll have the benefit of having a driver with loads of knowledge about the local area, and they'll make sure to show you as much as they can in those 3-4 hour windows. 

If you're ever in need of extra information or tips, please feel free to reach out here again. 

Happy planning! 

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Posted Wed 21 Apr 2021 12:54 PM
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That's great Melin. Thank you so much for your help. Tom is concerned about the cruise due to his limited walking. I'm hoping this will help him be more confident. His family is from Ireland and I would love for him to get to visit.

Have a great week,
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Posted Thu 22 Apr 2021 10:29 AM
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Island of Ireland
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Group: Community Moderator Last Active: Yesterday @ 8:18 AM Visits: 13.4K
It sounds like Tom would really enjoy some time on the island of Ireland with his family connections!

As with all tours and trips, you can take what you can out of your time on the cruise.  Being met at the port by a car and taken to somewhere close by to enjoy the scenery would be lovely and hopefully, not too much as to discourage Tom from joining in.

We wish you both all the best and look forward to welcoming you home! 💚

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