Moving to Ireland!

Moving to Ireland!

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Posted Sat 14 Aug 2021 12:06 PM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Sat 14 Aug 2021 4:03 PM Visits: 298
Hi everyone, my name is Martin, I'm from Argentina but I'm currently living in Spain with my girlfriend and we wish to move to Ireland next year. Here is my situation, I'm quite lost about it but if someone can help me I would be so grateful.
My girlfriend is from Spain, she has her passport and so... In the other hand, I have my legal residence to live and work and everything only to use in "Spain", because we are married. I cannot get my EU passport yet, I need to wait next year and few months for it. My question is, what do I need to do to live and work in Ireland? Visa? New residence card?

So sorry if I was not clear enough!

Thank you for your time!
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Posted Sun 15 Aug 2021 1:43 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Thu 29 Sep 2022 6:05 PM Visits: 1.4K
Hi Martin,

As you two are already married and your wife is a citizen of the European Union, you can stay up to three months in Ireland without restriction if you are moving together. Because you're planning to stay longer than three months, your wife needs to be engaged in any activity in Ireland (Work, Study, etc), and then you would need to apply for a residency permit once in Ireland because you are not a national of the European Economic Area but are married to one that has the right to work in Ireland.  If this application is successful, you can get an Irish Residence Permit (IRP) with a Stamp 4EUFAM, which gives you the right to work without an employment permit. 

You can find all the details for the residence rights for family members of EU nationals on the Citizens Information website.

Let me know if this was clear and if you have more questions.

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Posted Thu 23 Sep 2021 12:05 AM
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Prepare for rain as it rains from 150 to 220 days a year.

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Posted Mon 26 Jun 2023 5:35 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Mon 26 Jun 2023 5:31 AM Visits: 1
Hi...i am from India and would like to understand about the program of residence in Ireland. Pls advise.

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