Moving to ireland

Moving to ireland

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Posted Fri 8 Oct 2021 6:08 PM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Fri 8 Oct 2021 6:09 PM Visits: 2
After our first time in Ireland, and now our 5th time we definitely want to move to Ireland.
I'm a fire fighter, could you help me to understand if I could work in there as firefighter?
I love my job and I'd want to do it in Ireland.


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Posted Sat 9 Oct 2021 3:36 PM
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Ciao Francesca! 

Grazie mille per averci scritto. 😊

We are so happy that you fell in love with the island to the point of wanting to move here!
We hope that everything goes well and that your dream will soon come true. ✨

Surrounding these specific topics, wanting to move to Ireland and continue your career as a firefighter, we would first suggest you to get in touch with the Italian Embassy in Ireland.
They will be able to give you every information and requirement needed to move to the island and start applying for jobs to pursue your career the right way.

You can also check the Citizens Information website, which has a lot of precise and useful information surrounding literally everything you want to know more about in Ireland.
They do have answers to your questions on the pages dedicated to employment and the process of moving to Ireland.
If you will need any extra help, you can as well contact them directly.

Speriamo che queste informazioni siano un buon punto di partenza per realizzare il tuo piano d'azione! 😄

Per qualsiasi altra necessità, siamo qui.
Un grande in bocca al lupo.

Buona serata! ☘️

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