Irish Folklore and Poetry project - Callout!

Irish Folklore and Poetry project - Callout!

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Posted Mon 8 Nov 2021 10:21 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Wed 10 Nov 2021 1:13 PM Visits: 11
Hey everyone, I'm an Irish artist currently putting together a sound piece which is collecting and preserving stories from around Ireland; these could be bits of folklore, the knowledge of Gaeliege, stories about Faires or places special to those characters, stories about the land, or little bits of Irish knowledge/mythology passed down to you by family members. I'm looking to collect as many as possible and hopefully play these at important historical Irish sites.

If you have any stories or know of family members who love to spin a yarn, please get in contact with me. The audio can be recorded on any smartphone in a quiet room; I will send you a list of questions asking you about the story and how it makes you feel and then tell it. 

For example, I've already had contributions about Irish saints meditating in freezing lakes, a story about a great wave and its Gaelic name of the north coast. I think this will be a special project, and It is my mission to share and preserve these tales as they have a very poetic kind of thinking that deserves to be recorded

I will be donating these recordings to Irish Archives after the project is completed. 

If you're interested in contributing or have any more questions, please message me. 

Please share this around to people you may know who might have a story they wish to share. I could do with the help!


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Posted Mon 8 Nov 2021 2:00 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Hi Karl,

This project sounds fantastic! I would love to hear some of the stories you collect one day.

Maybe you could find some interesting information at the Irish Folklore Center of the University College Dublin? Also, on the What are the locations behind Ireland’s myths and legends? and Irish Myths and Legends threads in our community, you will be able to find many more stories.

I hope this is useful.

Have a great day,

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Posted Tue 9 Nov 2021 9:25 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Wed 10 Nov 2021 1:13 PM Visits: 11
Thank you David these are great! I'll try there as well :) 
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Posted Mon 28 Nov 2022 1:14 PM
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Hi Karl,

This is such a nice project! 

Keeping Irish Folklore alive definitely preserves the traditions and culture. 

Great work and I will definitely love to hear more about these stories!

Have a wonderful day, 

Vivian F

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