Hello Isabelle,
That sounds like you have a lovely trip planned there. Do you already have some places in mind that you would like to visit during your road trip?
On this page you can find some general information about driving in Ireland that might be useful.
As for your question with the Passenger Locator Form (PLF), you can simply fill in the address of the
first hotel/accommodation where you will be staying on the original form. You should then keep emailing
all updates and changes to the following email address:
passengerlocatorform@plf.ie (You might not get a reply to your emails actually, so it's best to make sure to keep a copy of your email saved as a proof.)
I hope this answers your question? If you need any other help with your travel planning or some ideas for stops along the way, please do not hesitate to reach out - in German or in English (which ever you prefer).
Have a nice day,