Birth certificate

Birth certificate

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Posted Fri 8 Apr 2022 9:47 PM
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Im searching for my paternal great grandmothers birth cert. her name was elizabeth “lizzie” finn she was born in dublin on june 11, 1876 and died in new york of tb on feb 11, 1911. Can you help my in any way find/ purchase this document?

Thank you in advance

Victoria halligan
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Posted Sat 9 Apr 2022 11:41 AM
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Island of Ireland
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Hello Victoria,

How exciting that you are researching your Irish family roots! I hope I can help you with some useful information.

From 1864 onwards births, marriages, adoptions and deaths were recorded at the General Register Office of Ireland. Here you can browse these records online

On our Community forum you can also find some useful links - depending on how many avenues you already have tried, we hope you might find something here that will help you find the certificate. 

One more very helpful organization is Ireland Reaching Out - a volunteer initiative that aims to connect the Irish diaspora with their Irish family roots. 

I hope this is helpful! If you have any more questions please feel free to reach out. If you make any discoveries also please share with us here if you like - we love hearing success stories! I wish you the best of luck with your journey to uncover your Irish family history.

Warm regards,


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Posted Mon 11 Apr 2022 7:41 AM
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Hi Victoria

Check both Church Records and Civil Records at as this website records:

Church Register
Baptised 23 June 1876 at St Audoen's RC, Dublin city
Elizabeth Mary Finn, born 11 June 1876, to parents John Finn and Elizabeth Coady of 28 Nicholas Street
Sponsors: Patrick Cranwell and Elizabeth Cranwell

Civil Register
Born 10 June 1876 at Coombe Hospital, Dublin city (South)
Female child (Name not recorded) to parents John Finn, labourer and Eliza Coady of 28 Nicholas Street

It would appear that Coombe Hospital registered Lizzie's birth but did not record her first name. It was very common in Dublin city hospitals for the first names of children not to be recorded when they registered births.

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