Irish or Gaelic song text

Irish or Gaelic song text

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Posted Sun 14 Aug 2022 8:46 AM
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Hello dear people, this might not be the right spot for me to pose this question but being a bit desperate, I'll try anyway.
My wife and I are singing Irish songs. We do mainly covers. Within 2 weeks we have a house concert but we're still missing one song, that is to say, the lyrics of one song: Langoílí (Langolee). We have found several English lyrics but we need the Irish or Gaelic version.
Here's a link to the version we'll be playing; it's the beautiful version of Susan McKeown: 
If there's anyone who could help us or point us in the right direction, we'd be very happy!
Thanks in advance
Dany and Caroline
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Posted Mon 15 Aug 2022 9:57 AM
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Hi Dany and Caroline,

Thanks for letting us know that you are looking for the lyrics to the song Langoílí (Langolee) for your upcoming concert!

Have you tried contacting Susan McKeown herself to see if she can supply you with the lyrics?

Like you, we have tried an online search and have not come up with anything that you haven't found yourself.

Hopefully, some of our fellow members may be able to help with the Irish version.

Where will you be performing?

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Posted Mon 15 Aug 2022 4:46 PM
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Hello Martin,
Thank you very much for the reply.
In the mean time, I did contact Susan and she replied she's going to send me the lyrics! I'm very happy.
My wife and I live in France and we're doing a home concert here in 2 weeks. Next year we'll spend a month in Ireland and we hope we can participate in some sessions over there! Any tips are welcome :)

Many thanks!

Dany and Caroline
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Posted Tue 16 Aug 2022 5:08 AM
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Hello Dany and Caroline,

How exciting to hear that Susan will send you the lyrics! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time for your home concert in 2 weeks. 🎶

C'est super que vous prévoyez un séjour sur l'île d'Irlande l'année prochaine ! Ce serait formidable que vous puissiez participer à un concert. On peut, en effet, souvent tomber par hasard sur une session de musique dans un pub. Cette sélection des meilleurs pubs dublinois où écouter de la musique traditionnelle pourrait vous intéresser. Vous pouvez également jeter un œil aux salles de concert d'Irlande pour trouver l'ambiance ou l'événement qui vous correspond.

Quelles sont les villes ou régions que vous aimeriez visiter ? Ce serait un plaisir de vous donner quelques conseils. 😊

À bientôt,
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Posted Tue 16 Aug 2022 6:34 AM
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Hello Sophie 

Thank you so much for your kind answer! And thank you for answering in French! But in fact, and I apologize for not properly introducing ourselves on this forum, we're flemish speaking Belgians who live in France :) We do speak French but speaking English is still a bit easier :)
I have been a professional musician up until I was 35, studied piano and guitar, but was forced to quit playing to be able to raise my family. Now I'm 60 and relive and old dream: play Irish music. I convinced my wife Caroline, who is not a trained musician but has a descent voice, to form a 'band'. We're working very hard and hope to do some low profile concerts in the future. 
As for the guitar playing, I feel privileged to work with Jim Murray (Sharon Shannon) and Aodán Coyne (Socks in the frying pan). 
We live in the beautiful mountains of the Cantal (Auvergne) region but playing Irish music over here is not easy. I'm looking very hard to find fiddlers and/or concertina, flute players.
Our trip to Ireland will be focusing on the west coast, we'll probably start in the south region of Clonakilty, Cork and then move up to Galway and other regions but a trip to Dublin of course will be obvious. 
We'll be traveling in our van but are looking too for cheap lodging.
Any advice is very very welcome.
A warm thanks 
Dany and Caroline

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Posted Tue 16 Aug 2022 3:36 PM
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Hi Dany,

I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time travelling through Ireland in your van. As Sophie has highlighted, there are many incredible venues around the island for music listening and playing.

With respect to travelling, your plans to focus on the west coast sound very exciting. The Wild Atlantic Way is a 1,500-mile-long coastal road with many wonderful towns and villages along the way. You'll certainly find great music on this route!

Clonakilty, Cork, Galway, and Dublin are all highly-recommended stops, too. In terms of accommodation, I recommend you to check out this page for lots of useful advice.

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Posted Tue 16 Aug 2022 3:52 PM
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Thanks Eoin! Superb site. 
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Posted Thu 24 Nov 2022 7:26 AM
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To conclude this topic, I'm glad to say that we have contacted Susan McKeown and that she willingly provided us with the lyrics. Here they are:


huaigh an tóirpeach go dtí an tórramh,
Is shuigh le mórtas i lár an tí;
Scaoil sé toirneach mhór le fórsa,
A chuaigh amach trí bhuaic an tí.

Tid'l id do deam dí dil eigh dil í,
Tid'l id do deam dí dil eigh dí,
Tid'l id do deam dí dil eigh dil í,
Teá re lí re leam deam dí.

Bhí an doirsín dúnta - is amuigh a bhí an lúb air -
Dhéin s´cúrsa ar fuaid an tí;
Mhairbh sé triúrar a bhí sa chúinne,
Is bhain sé an tsúil as Máire Faoit.

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Posted Fri 25 Nov 2022 10:47 AM
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This is amazing, Dany!

How lovely that she got back to you with the lyrics. Thank you for sharing them here with us - now others will be able to find them as well. I hope that you will have a chance to play the song at an upcoming performance!

Kind regards,

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Posted Tue 1 Aug 2023 3:13 AM
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I'd go for Irish

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