12 Days of Ireland

12 Days of Ireland

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Posted Wed 14 Sep 2022 2:08 AM
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This is my blog of our two weeks in the Republic of Ireland (Aug. 22-Sept. 5, 2022) - Dublin, then a clockwise drive 1,500 miles around the entire country. Brief snippets of each day and over 80 photos ... 12 Days of Ireland: A Blog

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Posted Wed 14 Sep 2022 9:54 AM
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Island of Ireland
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Hi Jim,

It was so delightful to read about your 12 days adventure on the Emerald Isle. The panoramic photos are superb and it looks like the weather was great for most of your road trip. 

Is it safe to say that you particularly enjoyed exploring the Gap of Dunloe? 

Thank you for sharing your blog post with our Community! 

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Posted Wed 14 Sep 2022 8:05 PM
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Thank you, Antoine.

We especially enjoyed the Gap of Dunloe. I'd encourage everyone who visits to take the boat ride - in the morning - from Ross Castle to the drop-off point for either a hike or a ride the rest of the way. You can walk the seven miles up and then down the other side, but recommend a jaunting cart (horse and buggy), as it's moderate exercise (not flat!).
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Posted Wed 14 Sep 2022 8:53 PM
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Hi Jim,

Like Antoine, I enjoyed reading about your trip. Those are some truly stunning photos of the Kerry Cliffs too!

I love how the color of the Guinness changes like that. Was it the first time you tried the ‘’Black Stuff’’? 

The boat ride is on my list for my next visit down. It sounds like one not to miss! 


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Posted Thu 15 Sep 2022 4:19 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Thu 15 Sep 2022 4:15 AM Visits: 10
Thank you, Alex. Hard to not take stunning photos of the Kerry Cliffs! 

Yes, this trip was where I had my first full pint of a Guinness (the best place in the world for such a "first").

The boat trip was one of our group's favorite excursions. Probably one-and-a-half hours in all. It's the best way to see the landscape in leisure.

Thanks again for reading - glad you enjoyed it.

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Posted Thu 15 Sep 2022 8:17 PM
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Hi Jim,

Yes, it definitely is the best place to try a pint for the first time! Was the pub scene what you had expected?

I’m a big history buff and always curious about people’s ancestry. Did you look into your family’s roots in more detail before heading off? I see in your blog post that you’ve got historical documents and Ancestry DNA results. Did you know what part of Ireland your ancestors would have hailed from?



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