Do my wife need a visa?

Do my wife need a visa?

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Posted Wed 5 Oct 2022 10:47 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Wed 5 Oct 2022 10:56 AM Visits: 190
Hello there. My wife and me are planning to do a trip to Ireland. We also want to visit North Ireland. I have the German citizenship so I guess there will be no problem for me just to drive over the border to the UK. But my wife has the Turkish citizenship with a permanent residency in Germany. Is she also allowed to travel across the border to Northern Ireland/UK without a visa or even travel to Ireland via plane without a visa?

Best regards

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Posted Wed 5 Oct 2022 1:22 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Group: Community Moderator Last Active: 2 days ago @ 1:39 PM Visits: 9.5K
Hi Bobby, 

Thanks for your post and the very interesting question. 

Since you will be travelling with German documents (Personalausweis and/or Reisepass), you can cross the border to Northern Ireland without the requirement for a visa, correct. You can read more about visa regulations here

For your wife the rules will be different and I would recommend getting in touch with the Irish and/or British embassy directly to confirm the exact requirements in her particular case. 

Please keep us posted on how you get on and feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions or need more help with your travel planning. 

Best regards, 

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