Local youth camp for boys with 12 an 15 years

Local youth camp for boys with 12 an 15 years

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Posted Wed 5 Oct 2022 12:29 PM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Wed 19 Oct 2022 3:25 PM Visits: 198
Our family is planning a trip to Ireland next August. We parents would like to go hiking for a week. Our two sons (12 and 15 years old) would like to take part in a local youth camp during this time. So that they are challenged to speak English with their peers. Who can give me contact details and websites of organizations (e.g. YMCA) that offer camps during this period?
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Posted Thu 6 Oct 2022 12:02 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Fri 10 May 2024 11:23 AM Visits: 10.1K
Hello Christine,

It’s great that you are planning a trip this summer with your family!

First, you’ll find useful hiking resources Ireland.com. Regarding trails, the Sport Ireland website is the perfect place to start planning your hikes.

Is there anywhere in particular where you would like to hike or send your kids to camp?

I was able to find summer camps for teens from Killary Adventure and Delphi Resort (in Connemara). These offer 5 or 7 days camps. ICE Ireland and Mackdonald have longer stays and focus on practicing English, amongst other activities, if this is something you would consider for your kids.

Others on the forum may have more suggestions to add. 😊

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