Identity card to travel

Identity card to travel

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Posted Thu 5 Jan 2023 8:19 PM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Thu 5 Jan 2023 8:32 PM Visits: 318
I'd like to inquire about the Identity papers I will need to travel to Ireland.
I'm from France and I have my Identity Card to travel but it is not valid since 2019, but still, according to the Ministery de l'intérieur,  in France, It is valid, though 5 years more. ( since 2014's law )
Is it possible to use it in Ireland to the frontier control and with the company Ryanair ?
I thank you for the answer.

Yours faithfully

Mme Gasnot Catherine

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Posted Fri 6 Jan 2023 6:10 PM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Fri 6 Jan 2023 7:39 PM Visits: 775
Hello Catherine,

It's great to hear you'll be visiting Ireland soon! 

Although your expired card is still valid in France, Ireland has not officially expressed their point of view on the situation and not all agents are aware of it.
I would print this explanatory note in English to show at the airport. You can also find more information on the Ministry of the Interior website.

Je vous souhaite un excellent voyage !


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