Gortnahoe, New Birmingham

Gortnahoe, New Birmingham

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Posted Sun 22 Jan 2023 4:03 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Sun 22 Jan 2023 4:05 AM Visits: 2
Coming to visit and find where my ancestors lived. Coppinger or Damer, records show they were married in Gortnahoe , Cashel and Emily.  I also know they came to America in 1858 by way of Liverpool,. Did ships leave out of Cobh first then Liverpool then America. Trying to figure out where my ancestors may have boarded their ship.
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Posted Sun 22 Jan 2023 11:57 AM
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Hi Jean, 

Thanks for reaching out, we are glad to hear you will be visiting us to conduct more research.

Irish emigrants would have predominately left from Dublin and Cobh (then known as Queenstown) making the journey to Liverpool before departing onwards to America and Canada. You can read more here about the ports of emigration

Let me know if you have any other questions and I would be glad to help. 


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