Where is this place? And, how can I reach it?

Where is this place? And, how can I reach it?

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Posted Sun 5 Feb 2023 1:11 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Sun 5 Feb 2023 1:11 AM Visits: 129
My ancestors left some information behind about two locations in Northern Ireland and I can't find any reference to them on either of two maps.  Could you please advise me as to what larger town/village is closest to either of these two locations.
One mentioned is Kilmore Quay by Lough Erne, the other is Linaskeas.
I would appreciate knowing more about how I might access either of these two spots.
Thank You,
Gail Thompson
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Posted Sun 5 Feb 2023 5:44 PM
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Hi Gail, 

Thanks for reaching out. 

It would seem that Enniskillen would be the largest town in County Fermanagh close to Kilmore Quay by Lough Erne. Linaskeas is the second largest town in County Fermanagh, and they are about 17 minutes away from each other. How do you plan to travel, via car rental or public transport to access these areas? 

Let me know and I would be happy to help. 

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