Accommodation Student

Accommodation Student

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Posted Sun 19 Mar 2023 1:11 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Sun 19 Mar 2023 1:15 AM Visits: 58
Hello, my daughter will travel to Athlone to study English for 6 months, where can I find accommodation?
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Posted Sun 19 Mar 2023 11:46 AM
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Group: Community Moderator Last Active: 2 days ago @ 9:14 PM Visits: 3.1K
Hi Bere,

Thanks for reaching out.

It is great to hear your daughter will be studying in Athlone. Does she plan to explore Athlone and the surrounding areas? We have a great article that she might find interesting here

In terms of accommodation: I would recommend checking out Facebook groups such as Rent in Athlone and Accommodation in Ireland. Furthermore, I would also recommend having a look at and as they both have listings available for accommodation in Athlone. 

Let me know if you have any other questions and I would be glad to help. 


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