An American documentary filmmaker wants to relocate to Ireland with his family from Taiwan.

An American documentary filmmaker wants to relocate to Ireland with...

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Posted Wed 29 Mar 2023 8:09 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Thu 30 Mar 2023 10:50 AM Visits: 580
I think the heading says a lot, but let me offer some additional details. I am an independent filmmaker from the US. For the last year, I have been filming a documentary in Ukraine about the war. After all of these experiences, I have become increasingly concerned about my family living in Taiwan. Many are beating the drums for war and I'm not interested in being anywhere near it. I am writing from Kharkiv at the moment and missile strikes are a daily concern. I've interviewed people who have fled Ukraine after the Feb. 24th invasion and it was chaotic at best. I seek to avoid all of that by planning to move my family out of Taiwan long before any of the experts predict something could go off in the region. This brings me here. 

I'd like to spend a year in Ireland with my family, keep my expenses low and see if I can find work and possibly make the move permanent if all goes well. It is my understanding that US citizens can stay in Ireland for 3 months. If I wanted to stay in Ireland for a year could I simply go to Northern Ireland or England to reset my stay every 90 days? My wife teaches online and I would be looking for work, do I need a work permit first or do I come on a landing visa and then look for a job? Would I be able to enrol my kids in public school without a residency visa? I'm at the beginning of a rather long journey, thank you for any guidance you can provide.

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Posted Thu 30 Mar 2023 10:42 AM
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Hello Bryan,

Thank you for writing to us!

We are sorry for your concern regarding this delicate situation and we hope that everything will be fine.

First of all, for all the information regarding moving to Ireland, we advise you to consult this section of the official Citizens Information website. Here you will find all the answers to the questions you may have regarding the necessary procedures and documents.

As for the requirements for US citizens who want to enter Ireland, we recommend that you contact the embassy and consult the official website.

Also take a look at this page for other contacts and information.

If you have any more questions, we're here. ☘️

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Posted Tue 12 Dec 2023 12:03 PM
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I hope you enjoy your stay in Ireland.

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