Looking for relatives of Holland family in Midleton

Looking for relatives of Holland family in Midleton

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Posted Sat 8 Apr 2023 10:49 PM
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I am visiting Midleton, Ballinacurra next week and would love to find some relatives, my Grandmother was born in Ballinacurra in 1901 and was called Ellen Holland and was one of 14 children. I have not really been able to go forward in finding out anymore information.

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Posted Sun 9 Apr 2023 6:28 PM
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Hi Angela,

It's good to hear that you are researching your Irish roots. I've done a search of the 1911 Census in Ireland and found a result for an Ellen Holland of Ballinacurra. She is noted as being 9 years old at the time, which tallies with her being born around 1901. It notes her father as Timothy and her mother as Norah. 8 other siblings are listed on the Census. The result notes that Ellen was able to read and write and her occupation is listed as a "scholar" (or student).

I was also able to find the family's 1901 Census results. Timothy is listed as the head of the family and he and Norah, at that time, had six children. It seems that Ellen was not yet born at the time of the 1901 Census. Interestingly, her older brother Patrick, aged 26 years in 1911, was not recorded on the 1901 Census, though other siblings alive at the time were.

In 1864 civil registration was introduced in Ireland, which is when we started seeing the formal registration of births, marriages, adoptions, and deaths. These records have been kept at the General Register Office of Ireland (GRO), through the Irish Genealogy website, to this day and may help you with further research.


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Posted Mon 10 Apr 2023 10:53 AM
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Thank you so much for your help.  I know this is very late in asking but this visit is a total surprise 
to me as a birthday present, is there any way at all that I might find some relatives whilst we are there
I really don’t know where to start looking.

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Posted Mon 10 Apr 2023 7:57 PM
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Hello Angela,

A surprise trip sounds like a lovely gift, and I truly hope you make plenty of wonderful memories while here on our little island.

Finding relatives would certainly make this quite a special trip indeed, and the Cork City and County archives may be able to help with that request. I linked to one such center’s website, where there is plenty of information that may be able to help guide you. They also take enquiries, so they may have the resources to help you. There is also the option to visit in person for research purposes, but these visits do have to be scheduled and there may not be enough time before you visit.

That said, I sincerely do hope that you find the connections that you’re looking for while here! Finding family would be the dream, but you’ll certainly find friends and precious memories. Will you be exploring other places besides Midleton? 

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Posted Mon 10 Apr 2023 9:27 PM
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Hi Antoine,

We are staying in Cobh and will be visiting Ballinacurra to see if there are any Hollands in that area.  Dependant on
what we find we would like to travel a little further afield but we are restricted on time.  We are arriving on Wednesday
morning and leaving on Sunday evening so we will see how it goes.  Thank you for your information.

Kind regards
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Posted Thu 13 Apr 2023 5:59 AM
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Of course, Angela!

I hope you are enjoying your time in County Cork so far and please keep us updated if you manage to find long-lost relatives in or around Ballinacurra. You may have time to visit Kinsale as well or venture to West Cork if time allows it.


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