Daly/ Fennessy

Daly/ Fennessy

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Posted Tue 25 Apr 2023 10:52 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Tue 25 Apr 2023 10:51 AM Visits: 1
My neighbour is very poorly and has asked for my help to trace her ancestors. Her father was James (Jim) Daly b 1914 Kildare. He married in 1942 Margaret Fennessy, who was born1922 Offaly. Her siblings are Sheail, Thomas, Sean, Sheamus, Tony, Martin, Patrick Joseph and Janet. Born Dublin.
Any help to get me started would be very much appreciated, thank you.
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Posted Tue 25 Apr 2023 3:11 PM
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Hi June,

It's nice to hear that you are helping your neighbour with her ancestry. This page on Irish Genealogy Resources is a good starting point, I would say.

In 1864 civil registration was introduced in Ireland, which is when we started seeing the formal registration of births, marriages, adoptions, and deaths. These records have been kept at the General Register Office of Ireland (GRO), through the Irish Genealogy website, to this day. 

I would also recommend that you check out these pages, given that you have mentioned Kildare, Offaly, and Dublin. For Kildare, this page may prove useful to you. For Offaly, this page may prove useful to you. For Dublin, you can check out this page and this page.

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Posted Mon 19 Jun 2023 10:58 AM
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Group: Approved Community Member Last Active: Mon 29 Jul 2024 10:03 AM Visits: 196
Hi June, hope you have been able to find some information for your neighbour.

I had a quick look at her parents' marriage record which is available for free on www.irishgenealogy.ie; this gives the names of their fathers which will help going back (see attached).

It might take a little bit more looking up to find her parents' birth records if she doesn't know where in Kildare or Dublin they were born but all the birth records are available on www.irishgenealogy.ie up to 1921 so James' record will be there although you may need to contact the GRO to get Margaret's as it is post-1921. 

James' address when he married in 1942 was Ticknevin and there is a Ticknevin in Kildare so that may be where he was born. 

All the best with your search,

Daly-Fennessy marriage.jpg (210 views, 156.00 KB)

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