10-day road trip through Ireland

10-day road trip through Ireland

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Posted Fri 12 May 2023 9:09 AM
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Good morning
We are going to do a 10 days road trip in Ireland in July. Could you tell us which places we can't miss?
Thank you very much
Best regards!

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Posted Fri 12 May 2023 12:12 PM
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Hi Fernando,

It's good to hear that you are planning a trip to Ireland in July. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time.

When planning a trip to Ireland, the Ireland.com website is a great resource. The Things to Do page is especially useful.

One idea may be to check out this 12-day All Around Ireland trip idea and amend it slightly to fit the number of days you will be here.

In terms of the "must-see" places, these differ from person to person, based on their specific interests. If you would like to share some of your own interests or hobbies, I would be happy to recommend some great places for you to visit during your upcoming trip.

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Posted Fri 12 May 2023 12:29 PM
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Thank you very much. We are traveling with children from 14-12-10 years old.
We love nature and history.
Thank you very much
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Posted Sat 13 May 2023 12:41 PM
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Hello Fernando,
  • The Cliffs of Moher: These dramatic cliffs rise over 700 feet above the Atlantic Ocean and offer stunning views of the coastline. There are also several hiking trails and a visitor centre that provides information on the area's history and geology.
  • The Rock of Cashel: This ancient fortress and religious site dates back to the 12th century and is one of Ireland's most iconic landmarks. Visitors can explore the ruins of the castle and cathedral, as well as the surrounding grounds and gardens.
  • Glendalough - This stunning valley is home to a monastic settlement dating back to the 6th century and is surrounded by beautiful mountains.
These are just a few suggestions, but there are many more amazing places to see on the island that your family will love. Please, do not hesitate to send us another message if there's anything else we can do for you.

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Posted Wed 5 Jul 2023 7:19 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Fri 7 Jul 2023 11:20 AM Visits: 11
Buenos días
Finalmente hemos decidido las siguientes visitas:

Brú na Bóinne, Glendalough, Kilkenny, Rock of Cashel, Cork, Anillo de Kerry, Moher, Galway, Kylemore, Sligo, Londonderry, Calzada del Gigante, acantilados Gobbins, Belfast y Dublín.
Nos dejamos algo importante?
Y sobre el Anillo de Kerry, ¿qué es lo imprescindible de ver? ¿en qué sentido?

Muchas gracias
Un saludo

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Posted Mon 10 Jul 2023 10:53 AM
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Buenos días Fernando, 

Me parece que has hecho una excelente elección de destinos en Irlanda y que has planeado un itinerario muy completo y emocionante.🙌

En cuanto al Anillo de Kerry,  puede darte algunos consejos de lugares imprescindibles para visitar:🌈

Killarney National Park: Este parque es un verdadero tesoro natural, con lagos, montañas y bosques exuberantes. No te pierdas la hermosa cascada de Torc y el lago Muckross.

Skellig Ring (Islas Skellig): Si eres fanático de Star Wars, este es un lugar que no puedes perderte. Aquí encontrarás las icónicas islas Skellig, que aparecen en las películas.

Dingle Peninsula: Esta península ofrece vistas espectaculares del océano Atlántico y pintorescos pueblos pesqueros. Asegúrate de visitar el encantador pueblo de Dingle y disfrutar de su ambiente relajado.✨

Recuerda que estos son solo algunos puntos destacados, y el Anillo de Kerry tiene mucho más que ofrecer. Además, te animo a disfrutar de la música tradicional irlandesa, probar la deliciosa comida local y sumergirte en la cálida hospitalidad de los irlandeses a lo largo de tu viaje.☘️

¡Espero que disfrutes al máximo tu aventura por Irlanda! Si tienes alguna otra pregunta, ¡estaré encantada de ayudarte!😊



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