I want to visit Ireland east to wet and County Monaghan where my grandmother was born -

I want to visit Ireland east to wet and County Monaghan where my...

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Posted Thu 13 Jul 2023 2:49 PM
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I want to visit the heart of Ulster - Dublin, Belfast, Slaine Castle and Co. Monaghan where my grandmother - a Walsh - was born and raised - I want to sample all my favourite Irish whiskey and meet  anything antecedent - have a great time and celebrate my granny's life - she left I bonny Ireland at the time of the 1st World War - I need to re-connect! - edenbray - a poet
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Posted Thu 13 Jul 2023 6:55 PM
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Hello Steve,

Thank you for having reached out here on the Community forum, and for having shared your heartfelt desire to reconnect with your Irish heritage.

Your idea to explore Dublin, Belfast, Slaine Castle, Co. Monaghan and Ulster more generally, sounds fantastic and we hope you'll find it will allow you to delve into your family history and celebrate your grandmother's life in a meaningful way.

In Dublin, you'll find a trove of historical and cultural attractions, such as Trinity College, the bustling streets of Temple Bar, as well as the Guinness Storehouse, where you can learn about the iconic Irish stout and enjoy panoramic views of the city from the Gravity Bar. For some whiskey tasting, you could plan a visit to the Jameson Distillery

From Dublin, you could make your way north to Slaine Castle, located in County Meath. We would also recommend exploring the surrounding Boyne Valley, which is home to several important archaeological sites, including the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Brú na Bóinne, where you can explore the Neolithic passage tombs of Newgrange and Knowth.

Heading still northwards, you'll arrive in Belfast, where we recommend you explore the Titanic Belfast amongst other must-see sights. Next up, you could head into County Monaghan and explore the town of Monaghan itself. If you're interested in poetry, make sure you stop by the Patrick Kavanagh Centre where you can explore Kavanagh's life and his poetry through artefacts and film. 

A visit to the Ulster American Folk Park (an open-air museum just outside Omagh, in County Tyrone) might also be of interest to you -  its many exhibitions tell the story of three centuries of Irish emigration from Ulster. 

We hope this gives you some ideas but do let us know if you have any other questions.

Warm wishes,


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