I would like to learn Irish Gaelic

I would like to learn Irish Gaelic

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Posted Wed 2 Aug 2023 3:09 PM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Sat 19 Aug 2023 9:26 PM Visits: 8
Good evening,
I'm Antonio Auletta, I'm 38 years old, from Naples (Italy), and I have been always passionate about Celtic and Gaelic culture.
A couple of years ago I bought a compendium of Irish Gaelic language (Dictionary and Grammar), but I would like to deepen the Gaelic language of Ireland.
I know for sure that in Western Ireland there are some places (Gaeltacht) where Ancient Irish Gaelic is still spoken. 
Can you help me? I'm searching for a linguistic stay in Western Ireland, with the purpose of learning Ancient Irish Gaelic. 

Thank you in advance for your reply and for the attention you will give me.
Antonio Auletta

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Posted Thu 3 Aug 2023 11:01 AM
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Island of Ireland
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Group: Community Moderator Last Active: Mon 14 Oct 2024 4:30 PM Visits: 11.3K
Hello Antonio!

Welcome to our Community!

It's so nice to hear that you'd like to learn the Gaelic language and spend some time in Ireland!  😊

One of the best sites where to look for information about courses and stays is for sure the Foras Na Gaeilge page. At the bottom of the page, there are many links to organizations that promote the Irish language and provide language courses:

-CNB.ie: they provide language courses in Galway
-Cnag.ie: they offer online classes, courses in Dublin, Galway and other locations. Check this page to know more.  
-Gael Linn: they offer courses in the Gaeltach areas, those where the Irish language is commonly spoken. 

Also, I invite you to check this thread of the Community, dedicated to the study of the Gaelic language.

I hope this information helps you!

Ti auguro una buona giornata e ricorda che puoi anche scriverci in italiano se lo preferisci! 


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Posted Sat 5 Aug 2023 7:29 PM
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Grazie mille, Valentina. 
Sei preziosa, i tuoi suggerimenti sull'argomento sono puntuali ed invitanti. 
Forse, tra quelli che mi hai indicato, Galway potrebbe essere una buona scelta, poiché Dublino la conosco. Invece a Galway potrei ugualmente trovare un ambiente studentesco, e potrei vedermi l'Ovest dell'EIRE, senza andare nei Gaeltacht (dove sicuramente si parlerebbe solo Gaelico, magari in ambienti meno universitari). 

Ancora grazie e calorosi saluti, 
Antonio Auletta
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Posted Sat 5 Aug 2023 7:32 PM
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Comunque solo ora sto vedendo meglio e tutte le proposte mi sembrano interessanti. 
G R A Z I E.
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Posted Mon 7 Aug 2023 11:31 AM
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Island of Ireland
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Group: Community Moderator Last Active: Mon 14 Oct 2024 4:30 PM Visits: 11.3K
Ciao Antonio,

Sono davvero felice di sapere che le informazioni inviate siano state d'aiuto!  😊 

Galway è senz'altro un'ottima scelta! Più tranquilla di Dublino, facile da girare a piedi, con una gran atmosfera universitaria e musicale, tanti festival e, come tu stesso hai detto, ottima base per visitare la costa ovest (Wild Atlantic Way).

Ecco qui qualche link che potrebbe esserti utile:
- Città di Galway
- Contea di Galway
- Wild Atlantic Way

Buona giornata e buona programmazione! ☘️


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