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Posted Mon 27 Nov 2023 9:56 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Mon 27 Nov 2023 11:31 AM Visits: 6
Hi, we are looking for accommodation for next summer, August 2024, (whole month)
We are two adults and a girl, fourteen years old. 
We are both university teachers.
We would like to stay in a place in the heart of the city or town, near supermarkets, restaurants and so on.
Also need information about summer camps nearby for our daughter.
Many thanks.
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Posted Mon 27 Nov 2023 10:52 AM
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Group: Community Moderator Last Active: 2 days ago @ 12:46 PM Visits: 679
Hi Anabel,

Delighted to hear you're considering a summer adventure in Ireland! 😄

August is a fantastic time to explore our beautiful country, there are lots of things to do and see.

I recommend looking into accommodations in the heart of vibrant cities like Dublin, Galway or Cork.
You'll find charming spots near supermarkets, restaurants and all the craic.
To facilitate your search you could use the search engine at the bottom of this accommodation page, where you can search for accommodation by filtering by category and much more. 🏡

For your daughter, there are wonderful summer camps throughout Ireland.
I think the Starcamp website could help you to get a precise overview of how many summer camps there are and where.
From outdoor adventures to cultural experiences, she'll have a splendid time.
I advise you to check the age groups for the summer camps first and decide which city to stay in, taking this into consideration too.

Should you need any more assistance or tips on planning your stay, don't hesitate to reach out.

Looking forward to welcoming you here!
Have a great day. ☘️

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Posted Mon 27 Nov 2023 11:31 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Mon 27 Nov 2023 11:31 AM Visits: 6
Many thanks

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