What area to visit Newgrange from

What area to visit Newgrange from

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Posted Thu 7 Dec 2023 11:11 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Wed 17 Apr 2024 7:00 AM Visits: 5
Good Morning,  I would appreciate some advice around Newgrange.  I know we have to book a tour prior to visiting however I'd like some thoughts on when to go.  We have 4 nights in Dublin without a car but could do an organised tour to Newgrange or we are staying in Belfast and Armagh and could drive ourselves from there.
Our last night is at Lough Rynn Castle Mohill and we could visit Newgrange on the way to the airport.  We don't have to be at the airport until 6:00pm at night.

Any thoughts on this?  Thank you in advance,  Kathy
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Posted Thu 7 Dec 2023 12:34 PM
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Group: Community Moderator Last Active: Thu 5 Sep 2024 12:46 PM Visits: 679
Hello Kathryn,

Delighted to hear you're planning a visit to the magnificent Newgrange! 🤗

If you're staying in Dublin without a car, an organized tour to Newgrange is a great choice.
It's convenient, and the guides often provide insightful information about the site. You can choose a time that fits your schedule, and it's a hassle-free way to experience the magic of Newgrange.

On the other hand, driving from Belfast or Armagh to Newgrange offers flexibility and you could be more independent, also allowing you to soak in the beauty of the Boyne Valley.
You can explore at your own pace and potentially visit other nearby attractions. However, do check the driving time and plan accordingly, ensuring you have ample time to enjoy the site.

Finally, if you want to visit Newgrange on the way to the airport, it could be a lovely way to wrap up your trip.
The drive from Lough Rynn Castle to Newgrange allows you to savor the Irish countryside.
Considering your flight time, you could plan to visit Newgrange earlier in the day, giving you a leisurely experience without rushing.

Whatever you decide, you're in for a treat exploring the rich history and beauty of Newgrange.

Safe travels and enjoy your time in Ireland! ☘️

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