Looking for private tour guide

Looking for private tour guide

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Posted Fri 2 Feb 2024 5:48 PM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Fri 2 Feb 2024 5:43 PM Visits: 1
I'm representing a travel agency based in Paris, France and we manage a certified tour guides community which travelers can contact to plan their holiday dreams. We would be very happy to start promoting Ireland. So we are looking for official tour guides to plan trips for our travelers (English & French speaking).
Do you have a list of official tour guides in Ireland I could contact?
Thanks for your kind help.
Best regards,
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Posted Sat 3 Feb 2024 8:45 AM
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Hello Louis,

This is a fantastic idea, and so nice to see you want to promote Ireland.

You will be able to find a list of French tour guides here. Under "Find a guide", you can also select the language you need.

I hope this helps and let me know how it goes,
Have a lovely day,

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Posted Sat 3 Feb 2024 9:57 AM
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Northern Ireland
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Group: Approved Community Member Last Active: Fri 14 Jun 2024 1:27 PM Visits: 2.4K
Hi Louis,

We would love to welcome more French visitors to the beautiful Causeway Coast and Glens region, situated in the north east of the island of Ireland.  

The Northern Ireland Tour Guide Association is a membership organisation providing representation for qualified tourist guides in the provence.  You can search for qualified French speaking tourism guides on their web site: https://nitga.co.uk/ 

If you would like to find out more about what the Causeway Coast and Glens has to offer, please visit our web site: https://www.visitcausewaycoastandglens.com 

 Best regards,

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Posted Fri 1 Mar 2024 11:40 PM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Thu 5 Sep 2024 10:12 PM Visits: 1.1K
Hi Louis 

I hope you are well. My name is Martin and I run my own small transport business here in County Antrim NI. It's great to hear you are promoting Ireland. If you have travellers who would like transport around NI and ROI please get in contact as I can offer these types of custom trips for up to 8 passengers. My Email address is; mstaxi1@outlook.com

Best regards

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