How to find accommodations this summer in Ireland?

How to find accommodations this summer in Ireland?

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Posted Wed 12 Jun 2024 10:35 AM
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Dear Friends, I am Carlo from Rome, Italy.
Maybe this question of mine already was replied in the past, but I would be very glad to have up-to-date information.

I am planning to come during next summer in Ireland, with my wife and my daughter, we will arrive at Dublin Airport, we will spend some days in Dublin and then we will have a tour (Galway, Limerich, Moher, Kilkenny,...), we will renti a car.

We will book an hotel for the days we will spend in Dublin, but for the tour we will NOT have a "very reliable timetable and path", so it is hard to book in advance.

When we were in Scotland, some years ago, it was almost easy to find B&B accommodations in private houses without reservations, just looking for them in time.
I read there are a lot of B&B in private houses in Ireland, run by the owners. Is it possible to find out accommodations in the same way we made in Scotland, or today is it mandatory to book in advance? And in this case, do you know which is the best site/platform to do this in Ireland? I tried AirB&B, Trivago and Booking, but prices seem very high (200 Euro per night per 3 people).

Thank you very much for your attention and help, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

And please let me know if and when you will come to Rome, Italy, where I live: I'll make you try some of real Italian cuisine, not those awful "tourist menu".

Best Regards.

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Posted Wed 12 Jun 2024 5:10 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Ciao Carlo,

I'm happy to hear you're planning to explore so many beautiful places!

Regarding your question, while Ireland does have plenty of B&Bs run by private owners similar to Scotland, the ease of finding last-minute accommodations can vary, especially during the busy summer months when tourism peaks.

In smaller towns and rural areas, you may still find B&Bs that welcome walk-ins, especially if you arrive early in the day. However, during the high season, popular destinations like Galway, the Cliffs of Moher, and Kilkenny can be quite busy, so the availability of last-minute accommodations might be limited. Therefore, my recommendation is that booking in advance can save you from potential stress and high last-minute prices.

Here are a few tips to help you find accommodation:

- go to our accommodation search page on our website, scroll down to the "Where do you want to stay" section and use the filters to refine your search. I have pre-selected B&B to get you started, just add a location to further refine the search.

- check this website specialized in Irish B&B accommodations across Ireland, you may find different solutions that suit to your trip.

Also, consider staying in guesthouses or self-catering cottages. These can sometimes be more affordable than traditional B&Bs and offer more flexibility for families.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask and talk to me in Italian.

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Posted Thu 13 Jun 2024 10:09 PM
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Ciao Francesco, e grazie.
Mi sembra strano scrivere qua in Italiano, cosa vuoi, mi lascio prendere la mano.
Ti ringrazio per le informazioni che mi hai dato, sto facendo delle ricerche sui siti che mi hai detto. Ho visto poi anche i B&B della guida che la tua collega Valentina mi ha consigliato di leggere: sono molto belli, ho consultato il sito, ma non ho trovato indicato nessun prezzo in quel sito.
Puoi aiutarmi? Dove sono i prezzi? Dove ho sbagliato?
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Posted Fri 14 Jun 2024 11:26 AM
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Ciao Carlo,

Sono felice che le informazioni inviate siano state d'aiuto.

Probabilmente non riesci a visualizzare i prezzi poichè stai aprendo il sito "Trade" di B&B Ireland. Prova ad aprire il seguente link (magari da un navigatore diverso) e facci sapere se dovessi riscontrare ulteriori problemi!  

Buona giornata e buona programmazione! 😊🖊
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Posted Mon 17 Jun 2024 5:18 PM
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Carissima Valentina,

il tuo aiuto è stato fondamentale! Ho trovato vari alloggi interessanti, davvero belli!!
Un'ultima (spero) domanda: ho visto che si paga un acconto e poi il saldo all'arrivo. Il saldo si può fare con carta di credito? Forse è una domanda sciocca, ma solo per essere sicuro.

Grazie! Se tu o Francesco venite a Roma o a Perugia fatemi sapere, cercherò di ricambiare la gentilezza.

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Posted Tue 18 Jun 2024 11:02 AM
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Ciao Carlo,

È bello sentire che hai trovato qualcosa di interessante!

Riguardo alla tua domanda sull'utilizzo della carta di credito per il saldo all'arrivo, puoi stare tranquillo: molti alloggi in Irlanda accettano pagamenti con carta di credito per il saldo finale. Tuttavia, ti consigliamo di confermare direttamente con la struttura dove hai prenotato per essere sicuro delle opzioni di pagamento disponibili.

Se hai altre domande o necessiti di ulteriori informazioni, non esitare a scriverci.

A presto e buon viaggio! ☘️

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