Applying for citizenship

Applying for citizenship

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Posted Thu 11 Jul 2024 2:11 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Sun 14 Jul 2024 3:37 AM Visits: 92
My parents are separated, and my Mom has been trying to get the paperwork from my Dad to apply for an Irish citizenship for me in time to apply to universities. She has been asking for 15 years without any luck.

Can we apply for duplicates of these documents directly from Irish government sources? Or church sources? What else can be done?

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Posted Thu 11 Jul 2024 6:05 AM
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Hello Sachin,

Thanks for having reached out on the forum. 

I would encourage you to take a look at the Citizens Information website as this summarizes the different options for acquiring Irish citizenship, together with the necessary conditions to be met in order to do so. For more information about applying for citizenship through Irish descent or association, you can take a look at the Department of Justice website here

You'll also find on the previously mentioned Citizens Information website some details regarding coming to study here.

Wishing you the best of luck,


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Posted Thu 11 Jul 2024 9:46 AM
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Hi Sachin, 

You can apply for a certificate from the General Register Office of Ireland here: 

You need your father's date of birth and his parents' information (if it was your father who was born in Ireland). 

All the best applying for university,

Research Officer
Ulster Historical Foundation

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