Hello how are you having a good

Hello how are you having a good

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Posted Sat 20 Jul 2024 5:02 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Sat 20 Jul 2024 5:02 AM Visits: 37
I was wondering about that relocation plan towards one of the islands and where can I apply and also I know about the grant but I'm more worried about the house because I don't know the prices or that included in the grand on that relocation
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Posted Sun 21 Jul 2024 6:46 AM
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Island of Ireland
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Group: Community Administrator Last Active: Yesterday @ 1:57 PM Visits: 77K
Hi Heriberto,

Thanks for joining us here on the Community.

The relocation scheme you are referring to is called Our Living Islands. From what I found online, it is unfortunately not open to foreign nationals for immigration purposes.

If you are interested in moving to Ireland, I'd suggest first checking out visa and passport requirements as well as reaching out to your local Irish Embassy/Consulate. The Citizens Information website also contains a full section of support for coming to live, work and study in Ireland.

I hope this helps and best of luck! Let us know if you need any travel tips in the meantime.

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