Irlanda en bici

Irlanda en bici

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Posted Thu 18 Jan 2018 10:14 PM
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Hola! Mi marido y yo queremos hacer un viaje en Agosto en bici unos 1000kms pero no sabemos que ruta elegir. Habíamos pensado costa oeste de norte a sur pero nos convenía hacer la ruta circular por tema de transporte de bicis, ya que llevaríamos nuestras bicis desde España. Alguien nos puede dar una idea de que ruta podemos hacer??

*Reply: Es nuestra primera vez,queremos ir 15 días. Y nuesteo medio de transporte va a ser la bici y niestro equipaje nuestras alforjas. Supongo que se puede hacer viaje en tren con la bici.....pero quwremos llevae toda la infromacion posible ya que el ifioma tambien es un handicap par

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Posted Fri 19 Jan 2018 10:00 AM
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¡Hola, Monica! 

Me alegra saber que vais a visitarnos en agosto.

¿Cuántos días teníais pensado estar por la isla Esmeralda? ¿Y habéis estado alguna vez antes? Si ya conocéis algunos lugares, quizás unas rutas sean más aconsejables que otras.

En cualquier caso, hay muchas rutas distintas que podréis hacer en bicicleta, como el Kingfisher Trail de 480 km, rodeada de paisajes y lugares que se os quedarán en la retina como las Cuevas de Marble Arch o la Isla de Devenish. 

Si decidierais seguir por el oeste, la Great Western Greenway del Condado de Mayo es otra excelente opción que os permitiría conocer ciudades como Westport, ¡votada como uno de los mejores lugares para vivir en el mundo!

Además, te recomiendo echar un vistazo a CycleNI para muchas otras rutas por Irlanda del Norte.

Por otra parte, también tienes otros mensajes en el foro sobre este tema que seguro te pueden dar otras ideas:
- Cycling a bit of Eire
Set routes with recommended B&B?
- Biking Holiday
I’m a new cyclist, and I want to try out some trails in Ireland. Where’s best?
Things to do in Duhallow Co. Cork

Espero que esta información te sirva de ayuda, Monica. ¡Y quizás otros miembros de la comunidad puedan echarte una mano y proponerte otras sugerencias! Voy a explicar brevemente en inglés tu petición para que les sea más fácil participar, ¿de acuerdo?

P.S: Monica wants to visit Ireland in August with her husband and they want to travel around by bike ~1000 km. They'll be bringing their own bikes from Spain. Any tip/suggestion for routes, itineraries, etc? Thanks!

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Posted Fri 19 Jan 2018 10:14 AM
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Hello Monica, 
What a fantastic trip you will have.  My friends and neighbours are all around North Clare, the Burren and Co Clare is a stunning landscape to cycle through.  If you would like to cycle off the mainland.......we take bikes for FREE to the Aran Islands ...or simply take a day off and enjoy any one of the three islands by foot and become a passenger on any of our multiple boat trips?  And of course you might want to cycle by the iconic Cliffs of Moher which you can also see by:  bike, on foot or by boat.  

Best wishes for a great trip and let me know if I can help you further.  


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Posted Fri 19 Jan 2018 11:25 AM
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Island of Ireland
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Hi Monica,
what a great idea! I had a look online and came across the below sites, which might give you some more info/ ideas -

Enjoy your trip and let us know how you get on!
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Posted Fri 19 Jan 2018 12:52 PM
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Hi Monica

Ireland is the ideal destination for outdoor adventure holidays and what better way to explore Ireland's stunning landscapes and coastline than by bike. Here are a few links that will give you a good insight into cycle routes:

Cycle the quietest and most scenic roads in Europe on the Wild Atlantic Way
 Irish Hospitality at its best along the Irish Coastline
(Above is Christian Klemm's cycling holiday around Ireland in his own words)
Welcome to Waterford Greenway Walking and Cycling Trail
Discover Tyrone and the Sperrin Mountains
Cycling Holidays Galway

May I suggest that on your trip that you choose to stay in Bed and Breakfast accommodation Monica. There will be welcoming homes all along your travel route and your B&B host will be able to provide your with expert knowledge on the best places locally to cycle. I would also advise that as you are travelling in peak season to pre-book your accommodation to ensure that you secure the homes that you wish to stay in along your route. Here is a link to our B&B Locator Map:

B&B Locator Map

I hope this information is of help to you Monica. Have a great trip! 
Kind regards
B&B Ireland

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Posted Fri 19 Jan 2018 1:41 PM
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Hi Monica,

A circular cycling route around part of Ireland is a great idea. 

I understand that there is a new ferry crossing between Santander and Cork.  That would allow you to bring your bikes from Spain!

Assuming you travelled south to north you might be interested to know of the network of safe and attractive cycle routes in Northern Ireland developed by the charity Sustrans.  In particular, the  route between Ballyshannon and Larne (450km) connects the Atlantic Coast to the Irish Sea, giving you the opportunity to travel along the scenic Causeway Coast as you do so.  Click on this link for more detail.

Click on the following link to see some of the sights on that stretch of the journey.

If you felt you would have done enough cycling by then, you could get the train to Dublin from Belfast, and then on to Cork and so to return to Spain!

By the way, do you plan to camp or stay in hostels or bedand breakfasts?  It is essential to book accommodation in advance when travelling the Causeway Coast in August.

I hope you enjoy planning your trip and that you have a really great time in Ireland.

Kind regards,


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Posted Fri 19 Jan 2018 2:11 PM
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Why not take a railtour with Railtours Ireland.
We run day and overnight tours all around the country visiting the Cliffs of Moher and the Giants Causeway and other must see highlights.
Our tours can be found here:
Railltours Ireland Car Free Care Free.
Kind Regards

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Posted Fri 19 Jan 2018 3:39 PM
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Hi Monica
Have you thought about visiting Northern Ireland as part of your holiday?

It is very easy to travel by train between Dublin and Belfast (two hours) and there is a 15km route from Belfast to Comber for bicycles. Here, near Strangford Lough, a beautiful lake, is the Strangford Lough Cycle Trail 130km visiting quiet places, historic mansions, famous gardens, ancient castles and stupendous nature. And much of the drama "Game of Thrones" was filmed in places like Castle Ward close to Strangford!

It is possible to travel with companies like Bed & Bike NI with a guide who knows all the best places along the route to find locally sourced food, grab a Guinness or have dinner and sleep well in a hotel next to the sea.

Check out or to discover more.

Good vacations!

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Posted Sun 21 Jan 2018 7:33 PM
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Hello Monica
We have just returned from a 1,000km bicycle tour in New Zealand and would love to host you as fellow cycle tourists!  Cycling is a great way to see the country and you will have a fantastic time cycling in Ireland.
The Causeway Coast on the North Coast of Ireland where we live is stunning and ideal for a cycling tour plus we are located in Route 93 of the National Cycle Network - visit this website for more information:
Our home, Shola B&B,  is a beautiful, boutique bed and breakfast and is a great base to explore the area for a couple of days, there is so much to see and do, and you can leave the panniers off for a day or two while you explore - the Giant's Causeway, Bushmills Whiskey Distillery, Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge, Dunluce Castle and our beautiful beaches.
Check out our website and if you have any further questions let us know.
We look forward to welcoming you to Portrush and the North of Ireland.
Happy cycling

Sharon & Dave

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Posted Tue 23 Jan 2018 10:52 AM
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Hola Monica

Que buena idea Irlanda en bici!  Aquí tienes informacíon sobre rutas ciclistas de nuestra cuidad historica y tambíen de toda Irlanda del Norte. 


Irlanda del Norte 

 Espero que paseis por aquí donde una cálida bienvenida os espera . Si teneis alguna pregunta acerca de  alojamiento, actividades o visitas guiadas  no dude en contactarnos. /



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