Consiglio itinerario On the road

Consiglio itinerario On the road

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Posted Fri 17 Aug 2018 5:32 PM
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Partenza il 22 e rientro il 5 (all'alba).
Preferiamo concentrarci sul resto, tralasciando Dublino.
Questo l'itinerario che ho pensato, anche se temo di aver messo insieme troppi chilometri per questo chiedo una valutazione
22 Dublino-Belfast (ci dovremmo arrivare intorno alle 16)
23 Mattinata a Belfast e partenza. Pernottamento in zona Cushendall
24 Causeway Costal Road (Carric-Giant's-Dunluce). Pernottamento nei pressi
25 Derry
26 Donegal
27-28 Da Sligo a Galaway con tutte le tappe del caso
29-30 Doolin, Cliff, Isole Aran
31 Dingle Peninsula
1 Ring of Kerry
2 Killarny, Cobh, Cashel
3 Kilkenny
Il giorno 4 è un giorno che ho considerato di "perdere" nel corso dell'itinerario. In ogni caso in serata dobbiamo essere a Dublino.
Cosa mi sto perdendo di importante? Quanto ho esagerato con i chilometri?
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Posted Fri 17 Aug 2018 6:48 PM
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Northern Ireland
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Group: Approved Community Member Last Active: Fri 14 Jun 2024 1:27 PM Visits: 2.4K
Hi Giuseppe,

I am very happy to hear that you are planning to trip to Ireland. Your itinerary sounds very well thought out. Great to see you will be spending 2 days in the Causeway Coast and Glens Region. 
I would suggest you follow the stunning Causeway Coastal Route from Belfast to Cushendall. It has been voted as one of the best drives in the world and you will pass through the historical town of Carrickfergus and a number of beautiful villages along the way.

The day you have planned will be ample to explore the delights of the Causeway Coast and Glens region. Your starting point of Cushendall is perfect for seeing the sights along the main Coastal route. Following this right along hwill lead you to your next destination of Derry.

In the Causeway Coast area the Giant's Causeway is of course the must see on every visitors list. Can I also suggest some of the other key attractions, including the Carrick-a-rede Rope Bridge, the Bushmills Distillery, Dunluce Castle and the Mussenden Temple. 
You can find out more about what to see and do in the Causeway Coast and Glens by downloading our Visitor Guides - available from our website.

By any chance are you at Game of Thrones fans?
The Causeway Coast hosts some of the most famous filming locations including Ballintoy Harbor and the world famous Dark Hedges. Great for photo opportunities!!

I hope you enjoy your trip to the Causeway Coast. Please do call into any of our V
isitor Information Centres if you need anything. We are more than happy to help.

Best Regards,


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Posted Fri 17 Aug 2018 11:27 PM
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Ciao Gina, grazie delle informazioni.
Approfitto per chiederti se è disponibile materiale, mappe o guide in italiano.

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Posted Sat 18 Aug 2018 12:45 PM
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Northern Ireland
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Hi Giuseppe,

You can download a copy of the Causeway Coast map in Italian from our Visit Causeway Website.

Anything else you need please just let us know.

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Posted Sat 18 Aug 2018 2:24 PM
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Ciao Giuseppe,

Benvenuto nella community, con un bell'itinerario! Come Gina ti ha già scritto, è ben organizzato e curato, avendo anche scelto tra i posti più caratteristici dell'isola. Non so quanta flessibilità il tuo programma abbia in termini di tempo, ma nel caso fosse possibile, ti consiglio di trascorrere almeno un paio di giorni a Belfast, la città è ricca di cose da fare e da vedere, così come di storia. 

Per quanto riguarda le mappe in italiano, alla pagina delle brochure online hai un'ampia scelta ed oltre alle mappe e guide delle principali città e attrazioni dell'isola, trovi la rivista ufficiale "Irlanda", la guida ai B&B e molto altro.

Tienici aggiornati sulla decisione finale per l'itinerario!

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Posted Thu 22 Nov 2018 12:49 AM
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Island of Ireland
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Ciao, Giuseppe!

Com'è andata la tua vacanza in Irlanda? Notavo che Gina e Marcella hanno arricchito il tuo itinerario con dei preziosi consigli. Se vuoi parlarci del tuo viaggio e dei posti che hai visitato, apri una nuove discussione su Tell Your Story: sono sicuro che avrai tanto da raccontarci!

A presto!

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Posted Thu 22 Nov 2018 10:05 AM
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Hello Giuseppe
I have to admit to being slightly jealous of your holiday - you will certainly see a lot of Ireland on your travels :)
What time of year are you planning to come?  I see you have a stop in Doolin on 29/30 to take in the Aran Islands and the Cliffs.  We have several departure times for the islands, starting at 10am, but I would suggest aiming to stay in Doolin on the 29th and taking the ferry on the 30th - being in Doolin the night before will take out the stress of getting to the boat on time in case of delays on the road etc.  Doolin is a wonderful village to stay in, it really has everything for a visitor - beautiful scenery, fabulous food in our traditional Irish pubs and great places to stay from hostels, B&Bs, campsites and hotels.

We would be delighted to help you plan your trip to the Aran Islands with a Cliffs of Moher cruise on the return journey. You can do this combination trip with any of the Aran Islands. The closest island is Inis Oirr, and if you are trying to get to Dingle that night, then this is the island I would suggest you visit, as the combination tour to Inis Oirr will have you back in Doolin for around 3pm.

I hope this helps you plan your wonderful trip to Ireland  - let me know if you need anyone to carry your bags for you ;)

All the best from Joan and the team at Garrihys Doolin2Aran Ferries

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