Posted Mon 5 Aug 2019 5:00 PM
Island of Ireland
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This week will see The Lighthouse day, so I thought it was a great occasion to share some info and pictures on Ireland's lighthouses. Can you help me? Here is the first one, Hook Lighthouse in County Wexford. This lighthouse is not only special in Ireland as it is the oldest operational lighthouse in the WORLD! 😲 I loved the guided tour and that we were able to access the balcony, what a view! 😍 Heard you could even see whales depending on the time of the year.
Posted Mon 5 Aug 2019 5:51 PM
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SUPER cool! My absolute favorite lighthouse on the island is in Whitehead, just a short 20 minute train-ride from Belfast. - By foot --> a view from beside the lighthouse after a beautiful coastal walk to the top of the seacliff upon which it stands
- By beach --> viewing from the beach/village of Whitehead, just beside the train station
- By sea --> viewing from a ferry crossing, departing from Belfast Lough towards Scotland
Posted Mon 5 Aug 2019 9:06 PM
Island of Ireland
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Adoro i fari e mi piace fotografarli! Questo è il mio preferito (per ora): il Fanad Lighthouse. Il Donegal e la splendida costa dell'Atlantico sono un must per coloro che amano il mare e la natura incontaminata! Per raggiungere Fanad Head, consiglio di percorrere la strada costiera (R268) che da Rathmullan passa attraverso l'immensa spiaggia di Ballymastocker, la località di Portsalon e la spiaggia di Drumnacraig. La caratteristica di questa regione (e di tutta l'isola d'Irlanda) è la sua verde e sempre rigogliosa vegetazione che arriva sino alla costa. Durante il tragitto, il panorama sembrerà cambiare ad ogni curva, perciò non vi meravigliate se vi fermerete spesso ad ammirare gli scorci e i paesaggi che vi circondano. E' possibile dormire nel faro in uno dei tre mini appartamenti disponibili. Se spendete qualche notte da queste parti e il cielo è limpido, potreste avere l'occasione di vedere l' aurora boreale. Essendo un fenomeno meteorologico che dipende dall'intensità dell'attività solare, non si ha mai la certezza di vederlo. In ogni caso, le probabilità di avvistare l'aurora boreale salgono nel periodo tra l'autunno e l'inverno. :cool:
Posted Tue 6 Aug 2019 11:52 AM
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Sheeps Head Lighthouse, West Cork.
Posted Tue 6 Aug 2019 12:27 PM
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Well, not surprising really that we have a bit of a grá (love affair) with lighthouses at Garrihys Doolin2Aran Ferries :) Lighthouses are always in spectacularly beautiful locations, usually have a historical significance in the area, not to mention the whole romance about the life of a lighthousekeeper - in fairness, what's not to love about them! Here is a selection of the lighthouses closest to us in Doolin: Inis Oirr Lighthouse, Aran Islands
The lighthouse on Inis Oirr is in a spectacular location, surrounded by the tiny rocky walls and limestone fields of the island. A favourite destination for our passengers visiting the island, but be warned the "road" becomes more rock than road as you get closer... Blackhead Lighthouse, between Fanore & Ballyvaughan, Co. ClareLast year, we had a fundraising cruise for the RNLI and Doolin Coastguard, where we had a special sailing north from Doolin to Blackhead, featuring a concert on board with famous Irish musician, Sean Keane. The dramatic Burren landscape and the lighthouse make for a beautiful composition in any photo, throw in our new flagship, the Star of Doolin and it becomes something very special indeed! Loophead Lighthouse, South Clare
This lighthouse is located right in the southern tip of County Clare and well worth the drive. It is open to the public every day from the 16th March through to the 3rd November, from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. An exhibition on the history of Irish Lighthouses is located in the Light Keeper’s Cottage.
Posted Tue 6 Aug 2019 2:25 PM
Island of Ireland
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Mein definitiver Lieblingsleuchtturm befindet sich auf dem Cromwell Point auf Valentia Island. Maurice Fitzgerald, Ritter von Kerry, haben wir es zu verdanken, dass es diesen überhaupt gibt. Er stellte am 30. März 1828 den Antrag einen Leuchtturm zu bauen und 10 Jahre später begangen die Bauarbeiten. Die Höhe des Turms beträgt 15 Meter und das Licht ist mit 16 Meter noch einmal einen Meter höher. Der Leuchtturm liegt ca. 4,5 km westlich von Knightstown auf Valentia Island. Von Knightstown aus (hierher gelangt man mit der Valentia Fähre von Reenard Point) fährt man rechts der Kirche aus dem Ort in Richtung Skellig Ring, Geokaun Mountain. Nach ca. 2,5 km weist ein Straßenschild nach Dohilla. Dem steil abfallenden Weg folgt man dann, bis rechts ein noch steilerer Weg abzweigt. Dieser führt direkt zum Leuchtturm. Der Leuchtturm war übrigens bis 1947 bemannt. Zudem gibt es auch ein Verteidigungsfort aus dem 16. Jahrhundert!
Posted Tue 6 Aug 2019 2:30 PM
Island of Ireland
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Mi faro preferido de Irlanda se encuentra en la isla Rathlin, frente a las costas de Ballycastle, en Irlanda del Norte. Una vez que llegas a la isla, es fácil alquilar una bici o coger el minibús que te lleva al Centro de Aves Marinas RSPB, que se encuentra a tiro de piedra del faro oeste.
Posted Tue 6 Aug 2019 3:06 PM
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Il mio faro del cuore è quello situato in fondo al molo del porto di Dùn Laoghaire! 💚 Una lenta e rilassante passeggiata longo il pier è assolutamente consigliata: il paesaggio è un incanto (si vede anche Howth dalla sponda opposta) e....alla fine della passeggiata c'è una gelateria! 😉🍦
Posted Tue 6 Aug 2019 4:26 PM
Group: Approved Community Member
Last Active: Wed 20 Jul 2022 7:52 PM
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The Ardnakinna Lighthouse, Bere Island, Bantry Bay, West Cork.
Posted Tue 6 Aug 2019 4:51 PM
Group: Approved Community Member
Last Active: Wed 20 Jul 2022 7:52 PM
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The Lighthouse on The Bull Rock, entrance to Kenmare Bay.