Welcome to the ireland.com Community Guest Book!

Welcome to the ireland.com Community Guest Book!

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Posted Thu 8 Feb 2018 11:38 PM
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Hi, I'm Looking forward to the ireland.com Community. So much Information on this site and so much to read and find out about Ireland. 
Regard's Tim. 
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Posted Fri 9 Feb 2018 2:22 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Fri 10 May 2024 11:23 AM Visits: 10.1K
Hi Tim,

Welcome to the Community!

Do not hesitate to join in the conversation on any thread or even create your own. 😊

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Posted Wed 14 Feb 2018 2:36 PM
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Ciao a tutti, sono Michela e sono sarda, abito a Milano (Italia) e amo con tutta me stessa l'Irlanda, la sua storia, la sua cultura, la sua lingua e soprattutto la sua gente, così simile al popolo sardo!
Ho iniziato ad amare l'Isola Verde quand'ero ragazza e fantasticavo di visitarla... finalmente nel 2009 ci sono riuscita e posso dire di averla girata tutta, dal Donegal al Connemara, da Galway a Dublino, da Cork a Belfast! Ad ogni angolo ho lasciato un pezzo del mio cuore, ma soprattutto il Burren mi ha rapito l'anima!
Sono tornata nuovamente nel 2013 e voglio tornarci ancora una terza, quarta, quinta volta! Il mio sogno è prendere un piccolo cottage in campagna e trasferirmi lì per sempre.
Nell'attesa mi riempio gli occhi con le sue mille sfumature di verde, provo ad imparare qualche parola di gaelico e bevo una guinness leggendo dei suoi miti e della sua storia.

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Posted Wed 14 Feb 2018 4:36 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Ciao, Michela!

E' un piacere averti tra di noi!

Parlare dell'Irlanda, delle esperienze di viaggio e dei propri ricordi è sempre emozionante. Ti va di aprire un nuovo thread per condividere i tuoi suggerimenti, i luoghi più belli che hai visitato e che consiglieresti di vedere a chi viene per la prima volta in Irlanda?

Ovviamente, se hai delle foto o dei video che mostrano la bellezza dei panorami irlandesi, sei più che benvenuta di mostrarceli!

A presto!

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Posted Sat 30 Mar 2019 3:04 PM
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Hello Everyone!

     I'm Rhonda from Ontario, Canada who will be visiting Ireland with my husband in September 2019. We have chosen an escorted tour of the Wild Atlantic Coast for our "initial" visit and look forward to subsequent visits. My husband has an Irish background but our trip to Ireland was enhanced when I recently learned through my DNA that I have more Irish in me than he does. I am adopted so I am intrigued to learn a bit of my natural family's background/history.

     Reading the threads has been quite interesting and informative. My question is regarding tipping percentage for services rendered, whether it is a driver who has driven us somewhere or waiter/waitress presenting our meals?

Thank you,

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Posted Mon 1 Apr 2019 11:02 AM
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Ireland Advocate
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Island of Ireland
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Hi Rhonda, 
What have you been able to find out about you and your husband's ancestry so far? Feel free to start a thread in the Genealogy section as well so our experts can take a look. 

With regards to tipping on the island of Ireland, it really all depends on you. :)

I hope this was helpful, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions. 

Warm regards,


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Posted Fri 12 Jul 2019 7:45 PM
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Mit Irland verbindet mich eine große, unerklärliche Liebe. In einem Blogbeitrag habe ich versucht, in Worte zu fassen, wie mich die Insel berührt. "Entdecke Irland" hat mich über Facebook gebeten, meine Liebeserklärung an die Grüne Insel auch hier mit der Community zu teilen. Was ich sehr, sehr gerne tue. Ich hoffe, ich spreche dem / der ein oder anderen aus der Seele und mein Beitrag trifft auch euch ins Herz. Liebe Grüße, Natalie

Meinen Beitrag über Irland findet ihr auf meinem Blog Mosaikteile unter dem Link:


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Posted Sat 13 Jul 2019 9:14 AM
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Island of Ireland
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Liebe Natalie, 

Wir haben uns wirklich gefreut zu sehen, dass du deinen wundervollen Blog auch hier geteilt hast! Wir können uns nur wiederholen und dir erneut mitteilen, dass die Art, wie du Irland und deine Verbindung zu unserer Insel beschreibst, einfach einmalig ist! Das gilt auch für die Art, wie du Irland bereist hast. Einfach dem Herzen folgen und du kommst ans Ziel! ☘

Da du bereits ganze fünf Mal bei uns warst und derart viele Orte gesehen hast, würden wir uns noch freuen, wenn du in unserem "Erzähle deine Geschichte" Teil der Community ein paar Tipps postest. Gerne auch mit Bildern und natürlich deiner humor- und liebevollen Schreibweise! 😉 

Es würde auch uns brennend interessieren, an welche geheimen Orte du kamst, oder evtl. wo dir die Übernachtung in einem der vielen, rein zufällig gefundenen B&B's am besten gefiel. Und wer weiß? Evtl. hat ja das ein oder andere Mitglied unserer Community ein paar Tipps für deine sechste Heimreise nach Irland! 

Liebe Grüße,
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Posted Sat 9 Nov 2019 11:36 AM
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I’m actually in love with Ireland and Ireland’s culture. I love your music and the happiness that you people spread around. My biggest dream is to travel to Ireland someday, and I’m sure that I will fulfill that, I not sure when but I will. I’m living in Sweden now which is not far away so I’m still dreaming.
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Posted Sat 9 Nov 2019 5:54 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Thu 4 May 2023 12:42 PM Visits: 1.6K
Hi Jana,

Welcome to our community!

It's such a pleasure to hear that you have so much passion for the Emerald Isle. It truly does sound like you have a special place in your heart for Irish culture, and I'd love to hear more about what made you fall in love with Ireland. Please do feel free to start a thread about your interests, or pop into one that interests you. 

Also, if you'd like any help planning your dream trip, we're always thrilled to lend a helping hand.

It's so wonderful to be able to greet you and I hope that you feel right at home here with us.

Kindest regards,

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