How does Ireland Inspire you? Time to show us your creative side everyone!

How does Ireland Inspire you? Time to show us your creative side...

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Posted Wed 24 Mar 2021 6:17 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Fri 7 Oct 2022 12:12 AM Visits: 10.7K
Che bella storia d'amore ci hai voluto raccontare, Alice. 💚 Grazie! 🤗

Che poi sia con l'isola di Smeraldo, ci rende ancora più appassionati 😍

La composizione che l'isola d'Irlanda ti ha saputo ispirare ha un qualcosa di incantato e incantevole, il che mi fa pensare che sei riuscita a portare con te quella magia che hai trovato nei luoghi visitati e nelle persone incontrate.

Spero che ne posterai altri, frutto di quell'amore ✨😉

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Posted Mon 28 Jun 2021 12:42 AM
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O carry me back wild western wind
And find for me my hearts true home,
Fly me high on eagles wing
And sail me on the whale roads foam.
O carry me back to where i long to be
And find for me my souls true mate,
Sail me true o'er the Irish sea
Where i'll be master of my fate.
O carry me back you wilding sea
And find for me my hearth and home,
Drive me on till smoke you see
From chimney breast and kitchen stone.
O carry me back to Irelands shore
And find for me my true loves nest,
And i shall roam far nevermore
But lay my head upon her breast. 
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Posted Mon 28 Jun 2021 8:23 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Fri 10 May 2024 11:23 AM Visits: 10.1K
Always a pleasure to read you Brian.

I hope you're keeping well.
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Posted Fri 11 Feb 2022 11:38 AM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Fri 11 Feb 2022 4:44 PM Visits: 4
Vor einiger Zeit habe ich eine Reise durch den Westen und Süden Irlands gemacht und bin seitdem verliebt in diese wunderschöne Insel. Die bunten Städte, die herrliche Natur, die freundlichen, fröhlichen Menschen, die mir immer das Gefühl vermittelten, Willkommen zu sein.
Diese Gefühl wollte ich mit meinen Aquarellen von Galway und von Dingle zum Ausdruck bringen

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Posted Fri 11 Feb 2022 4:17 PM
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Island of Ireland
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Hallo Renate,

vielen lieben Dank für diese wunderbar farbenfrohen Impressionen! 💚 Es ist dir sehr gut gelungen, die Fröhlichkeit und Wärme, die du in Irland empfunden hast, in deinen Bildern auszudrücken! Ich freue mich für dich, dass du dich an diesen Orten so wohlgefühlt hast und deine Erinnerungen so kreativ umsetzen konntest! 🎨🖌️

Vielen Dank, dass du deine Kunstwerke mit uns geteilt hast!

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Posted Thu 26 Jan 2023 5:17 PM
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Quand on bricole et que l'on a pu avoir la chance de découvrir l'Irlande à 2 reprises (trop courtes à mon gout :(), c'est effectivement une grande source d'inspiration.
Voici quelques photos de mes réalisations en rapport avec l'Irlande.

Pour la Guinness je connaissais et l'appréciais déjà avant, mais après l'expérience des pubs ça a pris une toute autre dimension.
Je parle très mal anglais, mais m'appelant Patrick nous fêtons comme il se doit la Saint Patrick depuis une dizaine d'années. 
C'est une occasion inespérée de rassembler tout les amis qui sont disponibles puisqu'ils n'ont aucune autres raisons de fêter autre chose à cette date ! 

Hâte d'y retourner, car il y a encore beaucoup de lieux que nous souhaitions (voire même rêvons) visiter avec ma femme.
Wicklow nous donne vraiment envie.
Pour le moment, un séjour trop court à Dublin et Holt, et 4 jours à Westport, Cliffden & Galway

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Posted Fri 31 Mar 2023 12:42 PM
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Group: Community Member Last Active: Fri 31 Mar 2023 12:41 PM Visits: 3
I have been once in Ireland, some year ago in holiday with my family. I will always have the fabulous landscape in my heart. And this is one way for me for keep remembering those amazing landscape... Paint it! 

Acrylic in Canvas 50x70 cm
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Posted Sun 2 Apr 2023 3:29 PM
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Island of Ireland
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This is such a wonderful painting, Luisa! 🤩 Did you paint Dunmore Head on the Dingle Peninsula by any chance? It is really inspiring, thank you for sharing it with us. 💚
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Posted Wed 6 Dec 2023 12:08 PM
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In learning Irish instruments.

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